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发布时间:2019-01-05 00:38
【摘要】:台湾公立大学自上世纪八十年代中期由行政专权走向大学自治,最终于一九九四年通过修订大学法,确立大学自治的法制基础。本文通过对这一事件进行历史时序的整理,将大学自治制度化过程置于动态的制度背景中加以考察,并结合大学自治概念评估其制度内容的得失。 兹将研究发现,摘要于下: (一)台湾第四次大学法修订之前,宪法所确定的学术自由价值规范,与公立大学行政专权的实务运作有其内生的矛盾;而宪法特有的规制效力,使得这种矛盾成为大学制度变迁的动因之一,宪法规范本身亦成为行动者得以借力与转化的制度资源。 (二)台湾公立大学自治制度化过程,肇始于八十年代中期学生的抗争行动;学生运动制造了大学制度危机,并将大学改革的方向设定为大学法修正,但学生在大学自治制度内容构建方面影响甚微。 (三)大学教师主导发起的“九二八大游行”师生联合行动,是大学自治制度化进程的关键节点,影响了大学法修正进程和最终的制度产出。 (四)大众媒体在报禁解除之后,成为民间与官方的沟通机制和社会事件的公共讨论空间,并策略性地参与了大学自治运动,客观上推动了大学自治制度化的进程,成为该事件的深度参与者。 (五)政治转化是大学自治制度化的动因之一,但大学自治制度化不是政治转化的自然结果,具有民意基础的立法委员成为政治场域与大学场域之间最重要的关联机制。 (六)第四次大学法修订所确立的大学自治制度有模糊性和不彻底性,为教育部保留了相当程度的监督权。司法院大法官解释文在大学法的基础上,廓清了大学自治的范围和性质,明确宪法所宣示的大学自治范畴应该成为教育监督的边界。
[Abstract]:Taiwan's public universities have changed from administrative monopoly to university autonomy since the mid-1980s, and finally, the legal basis of university autonomy was established by amending the university law in 1994. Based on the historical sequence of this event, this paper puts the institutionalization process of university autonomy under the dynamic institutional background and assesses the gains and losses of its system content in combination with the concept of university autonomy. The research findings are summarized as follows: (1) before the fourth revision of the Taiwan University Law, the value norm of academic freedom established by the Constitution has an endogenous contradiction with the practical operation of the administrative monopoly of public universities; The unique regulatory effect of the constitution makes this contradiction become one of the causes of the institutional changes of the university, and the constitutional norm itself becomes the institutional resource for the actors to rely on and transform. (2) the process of institutionalizing the autonomy of public universities in Taiwan began with the students' protest in the mid-1980s; The student movement created the crisis of the university system and set the direction of the university reform as the amendment of the university law, but students had little influence on the content construction of the university autonomy system. (3) the joint action of teachers and students in the "September 28 Parade", initiated by university teachers, is the key node in the process of institutionalizing university autonomy, which affects the process of amending the university law and the final system output. (4) after the lifting of the ban on the press, the mass media has become a space for public discussion on the communication mechanism and social events between the people and the government, and has strategically participated in the university autonomy movement, which has objectively promoted the process of institutionalizing university autonomy. Be a deep participant in the event. (5) political transformation is one of the motivations of the institutionalization of university autonomy, but the institutionalization of university autonomy is not the natural result of political transformation, and the legislators with the basis of public opinion become the most important connection mechanism between the political field and the university field. (6) the university autonomy system established by the fourth revision of the University Law is vague and incomplete, and reserves the right of supervision to a certain extent for the Ministry of Education. On the basis of the university law, the justice of the judiciary clarifies the scope and nature of university autonomy, and clarifies that the scope of university autonomy proclaimed by the Constitution should be the boundary of educational supervision.


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