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发布时间:2019-01-07 11:12
【摘要】:诚信,自古至今都是人们津津乐道的一种优秀品格。虽然诚信说起来很简单,但是真正做起来却是相当的不容易,它是要人们付出努力用心去实现。如今,中国一直提倡构建和谐社会,和谐社会就是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。从和谐社会的定义中不难看出诚信社会的重要性。要建设诚信社会,就需要人与人之间诚实守信,没有诚信,社会就不会有友爱;没有友爱,人际关系就会紧张;没有人际关系的融洽与和谐,就不会有社会的和谐。从哲学意义上讲:“诚信”既是一种世界观,又是一种社会价值观和道德观,所以无论对于个人还是社会,诚信都具有相当重要的作用和意义。当今社会,大学生是社会中素质较高的群体,大学生的诚信状况会对中国的社会生活和经济建设产生极大的影响,因而加强大学生诚信教育是大学生成人成才过程中的一个重要环节。但是近些年来,大学生诚信却出现滑坡现象,因此在高校中开展诚信教育是刻不容缓的。 文章在通过对诚信和诚信教育内涵界定的基础上,对大学生的诚信教育进行了系统的研究和深入的分析。国内的大多数大学生诚信品德状况良好,但一部分大学生诚信缺失,因此,文章在对以美国,日本,新加坡为代表的国外大学生诚信教育的比较研究中,总结它们的教育经验及启示,针对当代中国大学生诚信缺失的现状,剖析了其诚信教育存在的问题及其原因,从而得出加强国内大学生诚信教育的策略。我们必须调动社会、家庭、高校多方面的合力共同致力于大学生诚信教育,发挥高校教育在大学生诚信教育中的主导作用,,提高家庭教育在大学生诚信教育中的辅助作用,重视社会氛围在大学生诚信教育中的导向作用。 论文是以大学生群体为背景,综合运用文献研究法,比较研究法和综合分析法,多学科综合研究法,理论联系实际方法等相关理论进行的研究。只有加强对国内大学生的诚信教育,才能提高大学生的诚实守信水平,促进其健康全面发展,为构建和谐社会提供良好的道德支持。
[Abstract]:Good faith, since ancient times, has been an excellent character that people talk about with relish. Although honesty is simple to say, it is not easy to do it. It requires people to work hard to achieve it. Nowadays, China has always advocated the construction of a harmonious society, which is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, honesty and fraternity, vitality, stability and order, harmony between man and nature. From the definition of harmonious society, it is not difficult to see the importance of credit society. To build a sincere society, we need people to be honest and trustworthy. Without honesty, there would be no friendship; without friendship, interpersonal relations would be tense; without harmony and harmony, there would be no social harmony. From the philosophical point of view, "honesty" is not only a world outlook, but also a kind of social values and morality, so it has a very important role and significance for both individuals and society. In today's society, college students are a group with high quality in society. The integrity of college students will have a great impact on China's social life and economic construction. Therefore, strengthening college students' honesty education is an important link in the process of college students' adult development. However, in recent years, there is a decline in honesty among college students, so it is urgent to carry out honesty education in colleges and universities. On the basis of defining the connotation of honesty and credit education, this paper makes a systematic research and in-depth analysis on the honesty education of college students. Most of the college students in China have good integrity and moral integrity, but some of them lack honesty. Therefore, this paper makes a comparative study on the honesty and credit education of foreign college students, which is represented by the United States, Japan and Singapore. This paper summarizes their educational experiences and enlightenments, analyzes the problems and causes of their honesty education in view of the present situation of the lack of honesty and credit among contemporary Chinese college students, and concludes the strategies to strengthen the honesty education of domestic college students. We must mobilize the concerted efforts of society, family and colleges to jointly devote themselves to the honesty education of college students, give play to the leading role of college education in the honesty education of college students, and improve the auxiliary role of family education in the honesty education of college students. Attach importance to the guiding role of social atmosphere in the honesty education of college students. This paper is based on the background of college students, and makes comprehensive use of literature research method, comparative research method and comprehensive analysis method, multi-disciplinary comprehensive research method, theory combined with practical method and other related theories. Only by strengthening the honesty and credit education to the domestic college students, can we improve the honesty and trustworthiness level of the college students, promote their healthy and all-round development, and provide good moral support for the construction of a harmonious society.


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