[Abstract]:Emotion teaching is a valuable experience and wisdom accumulated by famous educators and predecessors in human education and teaching at home and abroad. It is not only a successful teaching mode and teaching method, but also a basic requirement for scientific education. During my study and training in the Department of physical Education of Hebei normal University in 1983, I began to explore emotional teaching, accumulated some experience, and became a teacher in 1987. Emotional education has been integrated into my physical education classroom teaching and education in the practice of life, actively implement and explore new ways of emotional education. Combined with the thoughts of emotion education carried out by individuals for nearly 30 years, and through the practice of long-term affective teaching methods in physical education, the teaching method of "four feelings and four Love" in emotional teaching is relied on. It not only helps me master several basic sports techniques and teaching methods with high quality, but also helps me to complete the teaching work of many physical education courses in the public physical education teaching of Hebei normal University. In addition, by virtue of this method, in the extracurricular training of track and field events, 25 champions were trained throughout the country, and 53 medals were won at or above the provincial level. Break the national record of college students' sports specialty and Hebei Province college students track and field record 4. Based on the objective phenomenon that the teaching effect of public sports swimming in colleges and universities is generally bad at present, based on the relevant theories of Marxist philosophy, pedagogy, physical education, psychology and so on, this paper takes emotional teaching as the clue. From the macroscopic emotion teaching research angle to the sports domain emotion teaching research thought, unifies the swimming emotion teaching research and the swimming teaching method to examine, runs through and revolves around the emotion teaching method as this article main line, takes our many years, many times, Many cases, a series of swimming teaching experiments, after a long and careful exploration of emotional teaching, summed up the teaching rules, scientific conclusions. Practice has proved that the teaching method of "four feelings and four Love" is a novel and effective method of emotional teaching, which plays a significant role in promoting swimming teaching and training students' motor skills. Through the implementation of the teaching method in this paper, it is of positive significance to give full play to the function of physical education, to break the bottleneck of current education for students' emotional education, to improve the quality of education and to train qualified talents in the 21st century. This paper enriches and develops the theory of emotional teaching, which has certain theoretical value and practical significance for the innovation and prosperity of educational culture, the construction of harmonious education and harmonious society.
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