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发布时间:2019-01-22 21:29
【摘要】:正值青春期的当代大学生是一个特殊的群体,他们已经没有了孩提少年时期的天真冲动,但还不具备成人一样稳固的思维方式,他们逐渐从依赖父母的行为习惯中走向自身独立,善于客观观察自己的言行,对外界事物坚持自己特有的态度和看法,,具有否定思想和破坏行为倾向。教育者应针对当代大学生具体情况,从实际出发,以学生为本,遵循当代大学生的身心成长规律,面对学生普遍存在的逆反偏激心理现象,拼弃传统的强制性思想说服灌输教育,结合心理学态度改变理论,采取更加人性化的教育理念,形成崭新的高校思想教育体系。 笔者以中北大学的实际情况出发,对其设计出了两份调查问卷。通过对500多名在校生调查回收有效问卷的结果科学研究分析;座谈、走访等方式的近距离沟通,得出当代大学生面对思想教育时所持的原有态度与所表现出的心理活动。再加以运用文献法对官方统计资料、历史文献等进行详细查阅、深度分析,结合以上两种调查手段寻求高校思想教育工作的合理路径。 本文坚持不懈地以马克思主义中国化的最新成果为指导方向,运用态度改变理论服务于我国高校学生思想教育,将两门学科潜在契合点科学分析论证,阐述两者相结合的具体成效。 全文的论证内容安排如下: 引言介绍论文的选题依据、写作背景、研究意义、研究方法。论文的核心部分分为三大部分,第一章为当代大学生态度特征概述;第二章详细论述了改变当代大学生态度的因素;第三章从实际出发,通过针对中北大学在校学生实际情况的调查研究,提出转变当代大学生对思想教育态度的具体六项措施。最后以结论对笔者的通篇文章加以简短阐述总结。
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students in adolescence are a special group. They no longer have the naive impulses of their childhood, but they do not have the same solid thinking as adults. They become independent from their parents' behavior habits, are good at observing their words and deeds objectively, adhere to their own unique attitude and views on the outside world, and have the tendency of negative thinking and destructive behavior. Educators should aim at the specific situation of contemporary college students, proceed from the reality, take students as the basis, follow the law of the physical and mental growth of contemporary college students, and face the common phenomenon of students' extreme psychology. We should abandon the traditional compulsory ideological persuasion and inculcate education, change the theory with psychological attitude, adopt more humanized educational idea, and form a new ideological education system in colleges and universities. Based on the actual situation of Central North University, the author designed two questionnaires. Through the scientific research and analysis of the results of the effective questionnaires collected from more than 500 college students, the close communication in the form of interviews and interviews, the original attitude and psychological activities of contemporary college students in the face of ideological education are obtained. Then we use the method of literature to consult the official statistics and historical documents in detail, analyze in depth, and combine the above two methods of investigation to find a reasonable way of ideological education in colleges and universities. Guided by the latest achievements of Marxism in China, this paper applies attitude change theory to serve the ideological education of college students in our country, and scientifically analyzes and demonstrates the potential convergence point of the two disciplines. The concrete effect of the combination of the two is expounded. The main contents of the thesis are as follows: the introduction introduces the basis, writing background, research significance and research methods. The core part of the thesis is divided into three parts: the first chapter is an overview of the attitude characteristics of contemporary college students, the second chapter discusses the factors of changing the attitude of contemporary college students in detail. The third chapter starts from the reality, through the investigation and research on the actual situation of the students in Central North University, puts forward six concrete measures to change the contemporary college students' attitude towards ideological education. At last, the author summarizes the whole article with conclusion.


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