[Abstract]:After 30 years of difficult development, China's non-governmental higher education, which started in the early stage of reform and opening-up, has been on a certain scale. The state pays more and more attention to the private education, especially in the last ten years, it has provided a good policy environment for encouraging and supporting the development of the private colleges and universities. However, in the face of a new round of development opportunities, there are many unsatisfactory places in the development of private higher education. These problems seriously restrict its sustained, healthy and rapid development. Under the new situation, the private colleges and universities should seize the opportunity, meet the challenge and adopt the corresponding strategies to adapt to the changes of the society. Only in this way can the private higher education develop healthily and well. Founded in 1991, the private SCTY College was officially approved by the former State Education Commission in 1994 as a full-time ordinary college at the specialized level. It is the first batch (seven) in the country and the first to be included in the national higher education series in southwest China. Civilian-run colleges and universities with independent qualifications for awarding diplomas in general higher education. The development of private SCTY college in recent 20 years is a microcosm of the development of private higher education in our province. Based on the theory of core competence and SWOT analysis method, this paper focuses on the realistic situation and development demand of private SCTY college, and discusses the school-running idea, school-running behavior, graduates' employment quality, competition situation, and so on, based on the theory of core competence and SWOT analysis method. Social reputation and other factors for in-depth analysis. It is pointed out that the core competence of the private SCTY college should be constructed by strengthening the connotation construction, building the campus infrastructure and teaching staff, optimizing the management level, standardizing the behavior of running a school, and taking the characteristic of vocational and technical education. The completion of the paper has practical guiding significance to enhance the competitiveness of private SCTY colleges, and it can also provide reference for the development of similar colleges and universities.
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