[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the economic competition between countries and regions depends more and more on the upgrading of technical level. Under the actual conditions of our country, most enterprises have weak consciousness of independent innovation, insufficient investment in R & D, limited digestion and absorption of imported technology and equipment, with the exception of a few backbone enterprises. The vast majority of enterprises have not really become the main body of regional innovation. As the source of knowledge production, colleges and universities play an increasingly important role in the regional innovation system. Whether their R & D activities can form a benign knowledge spillover effect on regional technological progress becomes the key to the construction and development of regional innovation system. Therefore, this paper takes the RD activity of 31 provinces and cities in China as the research object, adopts the spatial measurement method, incorporates the geographical spatial factor, and empirically explores the spatial imbalance of the university RD activity. This paper measures the spatial spillover effect and geographical boundary of its RD knowledge on regional technological progress, and tries to construct an empirical framework of university R & D, spatial knowledge spillover and regional technological progress, in order to strengthen the RD knowledge spillover in and between regional colleges and universities. Further promote local technological progress and other policy research to provide a reference. Based on the basic research, applied research, experimental development expenditure and regional total factor productivity (TFP) data of 31 provinces and cities in 2000-2009, this paper builds a spatial panel econometric model. This paper quantifies the influence of RD activities in regional and interregional universities on the technological progress of the region, and studies the influence of regional knowledge absorption capacity and geographical distance on this spatial effect by introducing cross-terms. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the regional distribution of RD activities in colleges and universities in China presents a significant spatial imbalance, and R & D investment is highly concentrated in a few provinces and regions, and there is a spatial correlation between R & D expenditure and regional technology level in colleges and universities; (2) RD activities in local colleges and universities have a positive knowledge spillover effect on local technological progress, but their technology contribution rate is lower than that of enterprises'RD investment; (3) there is a significant spatial knowledge spillover effect in the RD activities of colleges and universities in our country, and the influence of RD activities in the neighboring areas on the local technological progress is significantly greater than that of the RD activities of the local colleges and universities. (4) the regional knowledge absorption ability regulates the spillover degree of RD activities in colleges and universities to the technological progress in this area, and (5) the spatial knowledge spillover effect of RD activities in colleges and universities in China decreases with the geographical distance.
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