发布时间:2019-03-16 10:40
[Abstract]:Based on the frequency statistics principle of bibliometrics, this paper analyzes on the general situation of the papers published by scientific researchers during the Eleventh five-year Plan period in a university, and makes a deep analysis of the network structure of the cooperative publication of scientific researchers from the perspective of co-occurrence of the authors. By using the components of social network analysis, density and centrality of the whole network analysis index, this paper reveals the close degree of cooperation among scientific researchers, the basic structure of team cooperation, the number of academic research teams and the composition of team members. The analysis results are displayed visually.
【作者单位】: 湖北民族学院
【基金】:湖北省高等学校教研项目(20070324) 湖北民族学院教研项目(2010JY01);湖北民族学院图书馆科研项目(2011GLB004)
[Abstract]:Based on the frequency statistics principle of bibliometrics, this paper analyzes on the general situation of the papers published by scientific researchers during the Eleventh five-year Plan period in a university, and makes a deep analysis of the network structure of the cooperative publication of scientific researchers from the perspective of co-occurrence of the authors. By using the components of social network analysis, density and centrality of the whole network analysis index, this paper reveals the close degree of cooperation among scientific researchers, the basic structure of team cooperation, the number of academic research teams and the composition of team members. The analysis results are displayed visually.
【作者单位】: 湖北民族学院
【基金】:湖北省高等学校教研项目(20070324) 湖北民族学院教研项目(2010JY01);湖北民族学院图书馆科研项目(2011GLB004)
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