[Abstract]:With the increasing number of college students, the teaching quality of colleges and universities has gradually become the focus of social concern. To improve the quality of education in colleges and universities, the promotion of teachers' professional ability is the key. Among college teachers, female teachers account for half of them and have special personality characteristics. Which factors affect the development of their professional ability? How do these factors affect the development of their professional abilities? The solution of these problems is the basis of effectively improving the professional ability of female teachers in colleges and universities. In this paper, eight universities in Jiangxi Province as the research object, on the basis of the relevant literature review and interviews with university teachers, the structure model of university female teachers' professional ability and the relationship model with its influencing factors are constructed. And designed "questionnaire of influencing factors of university teachers' professional ability", and then used Spss17.0 and Amos6.0 software to deal with the survey data, and analyzed the structure of college teachers' professional ability. The relationship model of the influencing factors of college female teachers' professional ability is verified. The professional ability of teachers in colleges and universities is generally reflected in the ability of education, scientific research and social service. However, in view of the different requirements for teachers in various disciplines to participate in specific social practice, In this paper, the professional ability of female teachers in colleges and universities is measured by educational ability and scientific research ability. The empirical analysis shows that: first, human capital, social capital, environmental conditions and personality psychology are the main influencing factors, while academic background, training, academic group, interpersonal relationship, social environment, organizational environment, family environment, professional cognition, and so on, are the main factors that affect the human capital, social capital, environmental conditions and personality psychology. Job stress and personality characteristics are exogenous variables in the model of influencing factors on the development of female teachers' professional ability in Jiangxi Province. Secondly, the human capital has the greatest influence on the educational ability and scientific research ability of the female teachers in colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province, the personality psychology has a great influence on the educational ability, and the social capital has a great influence on the scientific research ability. The environmental conditions also have obvious influence on educational ability and scientific research ability. Based on the research conclusion, this paper analyzes the current situation of the career development of female teachers in colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province, points out the main problems existing in the development of the professional abilities of female teachers in colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures based on this.
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