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发布时间:2019-06-10 08:23
【摘要】:高层次的人力资源日益成为经济发展的重要牵引力,培养出与特定区域经济结构相适应的高层次人才对该区域经济的发展意义重大,同时经济的发展也将为人才的培养和质量的提升指明方向,并提供重要的推动力。研究生教育是输出高层次人才的重要形式,所以研究生教育的规模、结构和质量对拉动当地经济发展和结构转型具有重要的影响,同时研究生教育的持续、稳定和健康发展也离不开当地经济的优质软、硬件教育资源的支持。江西战略新兴产业和特色传统产业以及经济发展的各个方面都对研究生教育的发展提出了新的要求,如何立足服务经济发展的根本,加快江西研究生教育改革,为经济发展的各个领域输送优质的高层次人才,实现人力资本和经济的互动协调发展是亟待解决的问题。 本文围绕江西省研究生教育和经济发展的实际,从两者相互对应的规模、结构和发展速度等入手,用灰度关联的实证方法对两者协调发展的关切度进行分析,找出其中存在的问题,进而提出江西经济发展与研究生教育协调发展的对策。文章在结构上共分六章。其中:第一章为导论;第二章为研究生教育与经济发展的关系概述;第三章为江西省研究生教育和经济发展的现状分析;第四章为江西省研究生教育与经济发展关切度的实证分析;第五章为促进江西研究生教育与经济协调发展的对策建议;第六章为结论与展望。 通过论文的研究发现,江西的研究生教育和经济发展程度都比较低,两者在发展过程中的关切度比较小,彼此之间的互动和协调不足。本文从研究生教育努力适应经济发展需求的角度出发,针对影响关切度小的原因,分别提出了学科结构调整、专业学位建设、增加投资、平衡区域发展、提升导师水平等方面的改革措施,以协调与经济发展之间的关系。通过论文研究,形成了对研究生教育和区域经济关切度的评价方法,同时将高等教育缩小到研究生教育的范围,从而使研究结论更具针对性。论文的评价方法与实证研究结果,对江西省学位与研究生教育的发展具有重要的借鉴意义,同时为建设高层次人才为先导的江西经济也有着重要的参考价值。
[Abstract]:High-level human resources have increasingly become an important traction force for economic development, and the cultivation of high-level talents suitable for the economic structure of a particular region is of great significance to the development of the regional economy. At the same time, the development of economy will also point out the direction for the cultivation and quality improvement of talents, and provide an important driving force. Graduate education is an important form of exporting high-level talents, so the scale, structure and quality of graduate education have an important impact on stimulating local economic development and structural transformation, at the same time, the continuation of graduate education, Stable and healthy development can not be separated from the local economy of high-quality software, hardware education resources support. Jiangxi strategic emerging industries and characteristic traditional industries, as well as all aspects of economic development, have put forward new requirements for the development of graduate education. How to speed up the reform of graduate education in Jiangxi based on the root of serving economic development. It is an urgent problem to transport high-quality high-level talents for all fields of economic development and to realize the interactive and coordinated development of human capital and economy. Based on the reality of graduate education and economic development in Jiangxi Province, starting from the corresponding scale, structure and development speed of the two, this paper analyzes the relevance of the coordinated development of the two with the empirical method of gray correlation. Find out the existing problems, and then put forward the countermeasures for the coordinated development of Jiangxi economic development and graduate education. The article is divided into six chapters in structure. Among them, the first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter is an overview of the relationship between graduate education and economic development, the third chapter is the analysis of the current situation of graduate education and economic development in Jiangxi Province. The fourth chapter is the empirical analysis of the importance of graduate education and economic development in Jiangxi Province; the fifth chapter is the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the coordinated development of graduate education and economy in Jiangxi Province; the sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect. Through the research of this paper, it is found that the degree of graduate education and economic development in Jiangxi is relatively low, the importance of the two in the process of development is relatively small, and the interaction and coordination between each other is insufficient. From the point of view of graduate education efforts to meet the needs of economic development, and in view of the reasons for the low degree of concern, this paper puts forward the adjustment of subject structure, the construction of professional degree, the increase of investment and the balance of regional development. Improve the level of mentors and other reform measures to coordinate the relationship with economic development. Through the research of this paper, the evaluation method of graduate education and regional economic relevance is formed, and the higher education is reduced to the scope of graduate education, so that the research conclusions are more targeted. The evaluation method and empirical research results of this paper have important reference significance for the development of degree and graduate education in Jiangxi Province, and also have important reference value for the construction of Jiangxi economy led by high-level talents.


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