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发布时间:2019-06-29 12:22
【摘要】:道德教育主要指个体与个体、个体与群体、社会,个体与自然的行为规范教育[1]。德育对高校德育工作有着重要的意义,是我国道德教育工作的重要组成部分。首先,从个体角度来看,做好道德构建,是当代大学生自我全面发展的要求,可以促使大学生和他人、社会建立和谐的关系,进而能够有助于当代大学生学习、生活、工作以及其他的各种社会实践的顺利进行;其次,大学生道德构建将有助于整个社会道德建设的进行,促进社会和谐稳定发展。 从我国当代大学生道德现状看,当代大学生道德迷茫问题显著。这与当代社会变革和高校德育效果不佳等有一定关系。传统的德育中,最突出的问题是人性缺失的问题。教育者把学生看作被改造的对象,以道德灌输的方式,,向学生传授道德价值、道德规范。在这样的德育模式下,学生主体性受到压制,不能发挥学生自身的主观能动性,这与德育的本质是不符的。德育是以人的全面发展为目的的一项教育实践活动,它面对的是广大学生,本质是促进学生潜能的发挥、价值的提升、人性的完善。这与学生自身的积极主动性分不开的。新世纪,我党提出了“以人为本”科学发展观,这成为我国高等学校德育工作的新方向,开辟了高校德育新思路,也对高校德育提出了新要求。 基于我国当代大学生的道德现状,及当代大学生自身发展的需要问题,本论文提出要发挥当代大学生的主观能动性,引导大学生进行道德的自我构建的德育模式,实现自我和谐,促进和谐社会的建设。这种德育模式是以学生的自主性和自觉性为核心理念的。本论文采用跨学科研究、对比、调查、理论联系实际等方法研究,在对我国当代大学生道德现状、影响他们道德状况因素的深入分析的基础上,将现行的高校传统德育理念与当代大学生道德自我构建的思想进行对比,通过多学科相关理论的深入论证,理论联系实际,最后得出结论:我国当代大学生道德自我构建是符合道德认知规律的、是符合道德教育规律的科学的德育理论。本文的主要观点有以下几点:第一,在传统德育模式下,当代大学生的道德状况不尽如人意。传统德育工作中,教育者与受教育者是“主体-客体”模式,学生缺乏自主性。如果要提高大学生的道德水平,就要克服传统德育过程中忽视受教育者主体性的弊端,向德育的“主体-客体-主体”的模式转变。第二,大学生的道德构建过程是通过社会实践活动与交往活动自主构建的。如果只是单向的外在灌输,而忽视自身内因作用,效果是不理想的。教育者只能在德育过程中起引导作用,通过学生自身主体性的发挥,才能促使大学生道德形成;“没有教育者的价值引导,就不能称其为德育过程,而是单纯的自我修养与自我教育;没有受教育者的自主构建,教育者得教育引导也难以发挥作用[2]。”本论文通过对我国当代大学生道德自我构建的研究,进而揭示了道德教育的本质和一般规律。并主要针对当代大学生自身的特点,着重论述当代大学生在现实社会环境中,如何在道德构建中发挥自主性,以及应该遵循的原则和方法。同时,高校的德育工作者,应该培养学生的自主意识和创造精神,帮助学生自我构建道德体系。 全文由引言、正文、结论三部分组成。论文以引言开篇,主要介绍了本论文的选题价值和选题意义,研究目标和现状综述、主要内容以及研究的基本思路。文章的正文部分,首先从大学生道德现状、社会需求、大学生自身发展三个方面,阐述了当代大学生道德自我构建的必要性。其次,对影响大学生道自我德构建因素进行分析。主要影响因素从社会变革、高校德育存在问题、大学生自身问题三个方面进行详细分析。再次,对当代大学生道德自我构建的理论依据进行论述。主要从“以人为本”理论、内外因辩证关系原理、文化反哺、自我教育理论四个方面论述。最后,对当代大学生道德自我构建的原则、目标及方法进行研究。主要讲了四个目标:形成自主道德选择的能力、培养自我道德约束的能力、养成自我道德参与的习惯、形成自我道德超越的精神;五个原则:主体性原则、个性化原则、一致性原则、民主化原则、活动性原则;三条途径:自我学习、实践锻炼、努力实现自我完善。结论部分重申了本文的核心观念,交待了本题研究过程中的不足之处,并且指出了下一步的研究重点。
[Abstract]:The moral education mainly refers to the individual, the individual, the individual and the group, the society, the individual and the natural behavior of conduct education[1]. Moral education is of great significance to the moral education in colleges and universities, and is an important part of the work of moral education in our country. First, from the individual point of view, the construction of the morality is the requirement of the self-complete development of the contemporary college students, which can promote the harmonious relationship between the college students and others and the society, and can also help the contemporary college students to study and live, Second, the moral construction of the college students will contribute to the development of the whole society's moral construction and promote the harmonious and stable development of the society. From the Present Situation of the Contemporary College Students' Morality, the Problem of the Contemporary College Students' Moral Confusion This is related to the contemporary social change and the poor effect of the moral education in colleges and universities. The most prominent problem in the traditional moral education is the question of the lack of human nature. The educator regards the student as an object of being modified, teaches moral values and moral rules to the students in the form of a moral indoctrination. In such a mode of moral education, the students' subjectivity is suppressed, and the subjective initiative of the students can not be played, which is not in accordance with the essence of moral education. The moral education is an educational practice activity aimed at the overall development of human beings. It is faced with a large number of students. The essence is to promote the full play of the students' potential, the promotion of the value and the completion of the human nature. Good. This is inseparable from the student's own active initiative. In the new century, our party has put forward the "people-oriented" scientific development view, which is the new direction of the moral education work in our country, and opens up a new idea of moral education in colleges and universities, and also puts forward a new way to the moral education in colleges and universities. On the basis of the present moral status of contemporary college students and the need of the development of contemporary college students, this paper puts forward the moral education model, which is to play the subjective initiative of the contemporary college students, guide the self-construction of the college students, and realize the self-harmony and promote the harmonious society. The mode of moral education is based on the students' autonomy and consciousness. In this paper, by means of interdisciplinary research, comparison, investigation and theoretical contact practice, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the moral status of contemporary college students in China and their influence on their moral status. On the base of the comparison of the current traditional moral education concept with the thought of the contemporary college students' moral self-construction, through the in-depth demonstration of the multi-subject theory, the theory with practice, and finally the conclusion that the moral self-construction of the contemporary college students in our country is in accordance with the moral cognition The rule of law is the scientific virtue in accordance with the law of moral education. The main point of view of this paper is the following points: First, in the traditional moral education mode, the moral situation of contemporary college students is inexhaustible. In the traditional moral education, the educator and the educated are the "subject-object" mode and the students lack In order to improve the moral level of college students, it is necessary to overcome the disadvantages of the subjectivity of the educatees in the course of the traditional moral education and to form the model of the "subject-object-subject" of moral education. Second, the moral construction process of the college students is through the social practice activities and the interaction activities. It's built. If it's just a one-way out-of-one, it's not an internal cause, and the effect is not. Ideal. The educator can only play a guiding role in the course of moral education, and can promote the moral formation of the college students through the full play of the self-subjectivity of the students. Without the guidance of the value of the educator, it can not be called the moral education process, but the self-cultivation and self-education are not the self-building of the educated, and the educational guidance of the educator is difficult to play. On the basis of the characteristics of the contemporary college students, this paper mainly discusses how the contemporary college students play an independent role in the moral construction and the principles that should be followed in the realistic social environment. At the same time, the moral education workers in colleges and universities should train the students' self-consciousness and creative spirit, and help the students to build their own way The full text is from the introduction, the text, the conclusion The paper, with the introduction of the introduction, mainly introduces the topic value and the topic meaning, the research goal and the present situation, the main content and the research. The text part of the article, first, expounds the moral self-structure of the contemporary college students from three aspects: the present situation of the college students' morality, the social demand and the development of the college students themselves. The necessity of building, and secondly, the construction of the self-morality of the college students. The main influencing factors are from the social change, the existing problems of the moral education in colleges and universities, and the three aspects of the college students' own problems. A detailed analysis of the moral self-construction of contemporary college students. It is discussed mainly from the theory of "people-oriented", the principle of dialectical relation, the principle of dialectical relation, the theory of self-education and the theory of self-education. In the end, the principle, the goal and the party of the contemporary college students' moral self-building are discussed. The study mainly focuses on the four objectives: the ability to form the self-moral choice, the ability to develop the self-moral constraint, the habit of forming the self-moral participation, the spirit of self-moral transcendence, the five principles: the principle of subjectivity, the principle of individuation, the principle of consistency, The principle of democratization and the principle of activity; three approaches: self-study, practice and exercise, and hard work. The conclusion is the core idea of this paper, and the deficiency in the course of the study, and the next step is pointed out.


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