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发布时间:2018-03-10 12:38

  本文选题:农村职业教育 切入点:农村劳动力 出处:《教育与职业》2006年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:This year, with the convening of the National Conference on Vocational Education, Premier Wen Jiabao attended and gave important speeches and instructions. Vocational education is also being carried out in various parts of the country. However, compared with the development of urban vocational education, Rural vocational education in China is still very backward. Statistics from relevant departments, Every year, more than 8 million junior high school graduates and nearly 1 million high school graduates in rural areas are unable to enter higher schools. A sample survey also shows that more than 75% of rural children in rural areas are directly employed without vocational education after graduating from junior high school. Village children are also directly employed after receiving high school education. The vast majority of rural labor force lacks the necessary professional knowledge; because of the lack of professional skills, most farmers dare not set foot in the more efficient cultivation and breeding industry with characteristics. The vast majority of farmers' planting and breeding structure is single and traditional. The low efficiency of traditional agriculture leads to the low standard of living of ordinary farmers. In order to increase the income, some rural labors have to choose to go out to work. Due to the low quality of the rural labor force, the peasants are also restricted to work outside the country. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, more than 56 percent of urban employment positions are required to reach the primary level or above, and nearly 60% jobs require skilled workers. The quality of rural labor force is obviously low. The low level of education limits the field of employment of migrant workers. Low-income labor-intensive industries have become the main position for the employment of migrant workers. The 11th Five-Year Plan of the Central Committee proposed to build a new socialist countryside. It is very important to build a new socialist countryside, which is to vigorously improve the quality of rural labor. In order to improve farmers' cultural, scientific, technical and professional abilities, it is necessary to speed up the development of rural vocational education.


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