发布时间:2018-05-30 23:23
本文选题:西部大开发 + 贡山独龙族 ; 参考:《西南师范大学》2001年硕士论文
【摘要】: 改革开放20多年和目前正在规划实施中的西部大开发战略,促进了贡山独龙族、 怒族社会经济的发展,与此同时,也给其独具特色的传统文化带来巨大冲击。少数民 族传统文化与现代化变迁之间的张力关系在贡山独龙族、怒族身上表现得异常突出。 由于历史较浅且处于发展的弱势地位,贡山独龙族、怒族传统文化的许多优秀部分和 独特性在现代化大潮中正在不断丧失。我们认为,任何一个民族的传统文化都有其独 特性和潜在价值。一个民族的传统文化是该民族的根,一旦丧失了自己的传统文化就 意味着该民族的消亡。基于这一认识,在西部大开发中,对贡山独龙族、怒族传统 文化,必须有意识地加以保存。 关于贡山独龙族、怒族传统文化与现代化之间的关系问题,以往的研究更多地 把视角放在传统文化要不断适应现代化,适应西部大开发从而摆脱社会经济的落后状 况上,即过分强调经济增长。而对提升性地保存其优秀传统文化,进而实现经济社会 的可持续发展研究不多,即对非经济因素的作用重视不够,导致经济没跟上,传统文 化的独特性及其赖以生存的文化生态系统却不断在丧失。事实上,传统文化与现代化、 民族性与时代性、发展与保存等等之间并非势不两立,都可以在实践中交流与共存。 为开创性地保存和抢救贡山独龙族、怒族优秀的传统文化,教育的作用是至关重要的。 可借这方面的策略研究极为欠缺,笔者通过对贡山独龙族、怒族传统文化及其经济社 会发展现状的多次深入的田野调查,分析了西部大开发对其传统文化带来的机遇和挑 战。同时,参阅大量文献,从三个理论依据出发,即传统与现代整合观,,生物多样性 和文化多样性和中华民族多元一体理论,充分论证并提出贡山县独龙族、怒族传统文 化保存的教育策略。 1.将独龙族、怒族传统文化保存的教育纳入正规的学校教育体系,把传统文化 的各种保护措施和现代化研究与学校教育结合起来,实行学校民族文化专家和田野文 化能人相结合的办法。 2.改革贡山的双语教育,“对日旺文和汉语拼音方案”进行跟踪调查和实验研 究. ,3.实行民族认同、区域认同、国家认同、文化认同的多层次多侧面而又整体发 展的认同教育。 ’ 4.进行独龙族、怒族传统音乐、艺术和体育的教育开发。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening - up for more than 20 years and the development strategy of the west in the planning and implementation of the reform and opening - up , it has promoted the unique dragon family of Gongshan ,
The development of the Nu ' s social economy , at the same time , has brought great impact to its unique traditional culture .
The tension between the traditional culture of the family and the modernization changes in Gongshan Dulong family and the Nu ethnic group .
Due to the relatively shallow and developing disadvantaged position , many excellent parts of the traditional culture of Gongshan Dulong and Nu ethnic group
The uniqueness is losing in the course of modernization . We believe that the traditional culture of any one nation has its own independence
The traditional culture of a nation is the root of the nation and once lost its traditional culture
This means the extinction of the nation . Based on this understanding , in the development of the western region , it is the tradition of the only dragon and the angry ethnic group in Gongshan .
Culture must be preserved consciously .
On the relationship between the traditional culture and the modernization of Gongshan Dulong family , the research on the past is much more
Put the angle of view on the traditional culture to adapt to the modernization and adapt to the development of the western region so as to get rid of the backwardness of the social economy
On the other hand , the economic growth is overstressed , and the improvement of its excellent traditional culture and the realization of economy and society are realized .
There are not many studies on the sustainable development of non - economic factors , that is , the importance of non - economic factors is not enough , which leads to the failure of the economy to keep up with the traditional text
In fact , traditional culture and modernization ,
The relationship between nationality and the times , development , preservation and so on is not quite different , which can be exchanged and co - existent in practice .
It is of great importance to preserve and save the traditional culture and education of Gongshan Dulong family and Nu ethnic group .
In this way , the research is extremely deficient , and the author adopted the traditional culture and its economic society of Gongshan , Dulong and Nu ethnic groups
This paper analyzes the opportunities and options brought by the development of western development to its traditional culture .
At the same time , referring to a large number of documents , from three theoretical bases , that is , the traditional and modern integration view , biological diversity
On the basis of the theory of cultural diversity and the multi - element integration of the Chinese nation , the author fully demonstrates and puts forward the traditional culture of the Dulong family and the Nu ethnic group in Gongshan County .
Education strategy preserved .
1 . The education of the traditional culture of the Dulong ethnic group and the Nu ethnic group is integrated into the formal school education system and the traditional culture
All kinds of protection measures and modern research are combined with school education to carry out school national culture experts and fields .
A method of combining energy and energy .
2 . To reform the bilingual education of Gongshan , and follow up the investigation and experiment on Japanese and Chinese phonetic schemes .
It ' s fine .
and 3 . Carrying out ethnic identity , regional identity , national identity , multi - level and multi - lateral aspect of cultural identity , and overall hair
Show identity education .
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4 . To carry out the education and development of the traditional music , art and sports of the Dulong family and the Nu ethnic group .
相关硕士学位论文 前4条
1 李靖;论民俗对基础教育教学活动的影响[D];西北师范大学;2002年
2 童绍英;云南少数民族传统文化传承与学校教育结合的研究[D];云南师范大学;2006年
3 邱小芳;云南贡山丙中洛地方音乐课程资源开发问题与对策研究[D];西南大学;2008年
4 毛计平;泸沽湖摩梭小学美育课程存在问题与对策研究[D];西南大学;2008年