[Abstract]:In order to educate, transform and correct the work-study students and prevent juvenile delinquency, it is necessary to study the relationship between the mental health status of the work-study students and their personality, family environment and parental rearing patterns. :
1. the comprehensive mental health of students in Yunnan province reform school.
2. personality characteristics of work study students.
3. the influence of family environment on work study students.
4. the influence of parental rearing patterns on the students.
5., the relationship between the mental health level of the working students and the other three.
Methods: The mental health status of the students in the work-study schools in Yunnan Province was investigated by questionnaire. The mental health status of the students in the work-study schools was investigated systematically with the Mental Health Scale (MSSMHS), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Family Environment Scale (FES) and Parental Rearing Style Assessment Scale (EMBU). The subjects'mental health, personality, family environment and parental rearing style were investigated, and the general middle schools, key middle schools and one of them were compared.
Results and conclusion:
1. The mental health level of the students in work-study schools is not optimistic. The overall detection rate of the comprehensive factors is 59.6%, but all of them are mild or moderate, without bias and serious mental problems.
2. There is no significant difference between the mental health level of the students in the work-study school and that of the students in other schools.
3. There are significant differences in personality between the work-study students and the students of the ordinary middle school and the key middle school. The P-component of personality dimension is significantly higher than that of the students of the two schools, but the L-component of personality dimension is significantly lower than that of the students of the ordinary middle school and the key middle school.
4. in the family environment of work study students, the scores of knowledge factors were significantly lower than those of ordinary high schools and key secondary schools.
5. In terms of parental rearing style, the work-study students feel more that the father interferes excessively, the mother punishes the father severely and the mother refuses to deny.
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