[Abstract]:In the practice of running a school for more than one hundred years, the secondary normal school has accumulated the fine tradition and valuable experience of training the primary school teachers, which can be summarized as paying special attention to the training of the normal students' professional feelings, the training of teaching skills, the cultivation of behavior norms and the construction of normal culture, etc. To reflect on the problems existing in the training of primary school teachers at present, the main problems are that the education of primary school teachers is not strict, the general situation of normal school students is not ideal, and the mode of training primary school teachers in some colleges is not appropriate. Therefore, under the background of higher education of primary school teachers, we should absorb and draw lessons from the excellent school running tradition and experience of a hundred years of secondary normal schools, actively explore the characteristics and laws of primary school teachers' training, insist on comprehensive training, lay stress on it, and pay attention to the overall setting. We should pay attention to knowledge teaching, skill training, system innovation, overall planning, free education, orientation training, and improve the quality of primary school teachers training.
【作者单位】: 江苏省教育科学研究院;
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