本文选题:初中生 切入点:感戴 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:上世纪20年代末,随着积极心理学的兴起,感戴作为一种积极力量得到了众多西方学者的关注。感戴是指受惠者能够识别施惠者给予的恩惠,并带着感激之情做出回馈的一种普遍化倾向。目前我国正处于社会转型期,初中生感戴情感缺失的现象日益严重,初中生正处于人生的关键阶段,培养他们的感戴品质,有利于初中生人格的健全、心理的健康发展。本研究在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,采用了调查和实验相结合的方法,探讨初中生感戴现状以及感戴、情绪智力与心理健康的关系,并在此基础上,探讨了团体心理干预对提高初中生感戴水平的效果。本研究为初中生感戴提供了实证和理论资料,为初中生心理健康教育提供了建设性的思路。 研究主要包括两个部分:研究一选取了桂林市493名初中生作为被试,采用《初中生感戴问卷》、《情绪智力测量量表》和《中小学生心理健康量表》进行调查,探讨初中生感戴、情绪智力人口变量学上的差异以及感戴、情绪智力对心理健康的影响;研究二是感戴团体干预实验,是在研究一的基础上选取被试24名,随机分为实验组和对照组,对实验组成员进行为期2个月的团体干预,实验组则不进行任何处理,通过量表对被试进行前后测试来对团体干预效果进行评估。 研究的主要结论如下: (1)初中生总体的感戴状况处于中上等水平,感戴在性别、以及是否为学生干部上存在显著差异,在年级上不存在显著差异; (2)初中生情绪智力总体处于中上等水平,情绪智力在性别、年级、以及是否为学生干部上存在显著差异; (3)感戴与情绪智力及其各维度之间存在显著正相关;感戴与心理健康及其各维度之间均存在显著正相关;情绪智力与心理健康及其个维度之间均存在显著正相关; (4)感戴、情绪智力对心理健康有显著的预测作用: (5)感戴团体心理干预能够有效地提高初中生的感戴水平; (6)感戴团体干预方案是一套有效可行提高初中生感戴水平的团辅方案,可在中学中推广使用。
[Abstract]:At the end of -80s, with the rise of positive psychology, sensuality, as a positive force, has attracted the attention of many western scholars. At present, our country is in the social transition period, the phenomenon that the junior high school students feel and wear emotion is becoming more and more serious, junior high school students are in the key stage of life, cultivate their sense and wear quality. This study is conducive to the sound personality of junior high school students and the healthy development of psychology. Based on the domestic and foreign research results, this study uses the method of combining investigation and experiment to explore the current situation and the feeling of wearing of junior high school students. On the basis of the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health, the effect of group psychological intervention on improving junior high school students' sense of wearing is discussed. This study provides empirical and theoretical data for junior high school students. It provides constructive ideas for mental health education of junior high school students. The research mainly includes two parts: first, 493 junior high school students in Guilin city were selected as subjects. The questionnaire of junior high school students' feeling and wearing, the emotional Intelligence scale and the Mental Health scale of Primary and Middle School students were used to investigate the feeling of wearing. The difference in demographic variables of emotional intelligence and the influence of emotional intelligence on mental health; the second is the group intervention experiment of emotional intelligence. On the basis of the first study, 24 subjects were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. Group intervention was conducted for 2 months in the experimental group, but no treatment was carried out in the experimental group. The group intervention effect was evaluated by the scale before and after the test. The main findings of the study are as follows:. (1) the overall situation of junior high school students' sense of wearing is at the middle and upper level, and there are significant differences in gender and whether they are student cadres, but there is no significant difference in grade; (2) the emotional intelligence of junior high school students is in the middle and upper level, and there are significant differences in the gender, grade, and whether they are student cadres; (3) there was a significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence and its dimensions, significant positive correlations between sensory wear and mental health and their dimensions, and significant positive correlations between emotional intelligence and mental health and their individual dimensions. (4) emotional intelligence has a significant predictive effect on mental health:. 5) Group psychological intervention can effectively improve the level of perceived wear of junior high school students; The group intervention program is an effective and feasible way to improve junior high school students' sense of wearing, which can be popularized and used in middle schools.
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