本文选题:识字教学 + 渗透 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Literacy teaching is the most basic and important teaching content in primary school Chinese teaching, but literacy teaching should not only be a simple tool of knowledge teaching, but also should permeate the content of cultural education. Based on the rich cultural connotation of Chinese characters, the concept of "Chinese character culture" is embedded in the teaching of Chinese characters in primary school, so as to learn the culture of Chinese characters and understand the social history of the Han nationality in the teaching of Chinese characters in primary school. Cultural form and mode of thinking are important means to promote the effective implementation of literacy teaching, and are also the process of cultivating students to inherit Chinese culture and achieve national cultural identity. The following strategies can be adopted in the teaching of Chinese character culture: grasping the character principle of Chinese character, tracing back to its origin, restoring Chinese character culture, allowing students to establish the connection among sound, form and meaning, starting with emotional experience, creating the cultural situation of Chinese character. To experience the implicit cultural implication of Chinese characters; to attach importance to students' three-dimensional perception; to explore, experience and understand the wide and profound diversity of Chinese character culture in a multi-level and multi-angle way of thinking. Finally, under the guidance of specific methods, we pay close attention to the primary school literacy teaching classroom, adopt the method of drawing excitation, analyze the law of configuration, and combine the method of cultural guidance with the traditional teaching cases of Chinese character culture infiltration to present. It is beneficial to create the cultural atmosphere of literacy teaching and improve the effectiveness of teaching.
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