[Abstract]:Decimal is an indispensable content in the field of number and algebra, and it is an important part of mathematics curriculum in primary school. It is closely related to integers and fractions and easily confused. Fractional teaching is easier than fractional teaching. But teaching practice shows that there are still many problems in decimal teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to probe into the present situation and problems of decimal teaching in order to help students master the knowledge of decimal. By using the methods of investigation, classroom observation and interview, the present situation and existing problems of "decimal" teaching in R primary school are deeply understood, and the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures are put forward. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) students are vulnerable to the influence of integer old knowledge when learning decimal numbers; students have difficulties in classifying decimal numbers by using concept maps; the image representation of student decimal numbers is good; (2) students have a weak sense of number to the results of decimal operations; Students' ability to express decimal arithmetic and algorithm is not strong, teachers pay too much attention to teaching decimal calculation, ignore students' perception and internalization. (3) there is no problem in students' understanding of density of decimal. However, it is easy to confuse the relationship between different unit progression rates; to solve the practical problems about decimal numbers, the students show a lack of life experience, teachers teach students a single strategy for solving problems; Teachers have not grasped the effective combination of "life" and "mathematics" of decimal numbers. (4) in view of the problems existing in the teaching of "decimal numbers" in R primary schools, this paper puts forward the following countermeasures: strengthening the teaching of counterexample in identifying decimal numbers and reading and writing decimals; Strengthening the connectedness in decimal teaching (including the connection between decimal and old knowledge, Count the relationship between units and the relationship between decimal and life); pay attention to the application of image representation in decimal teaching (give full play to the advantage of image representation in understanding decimals. Using the concept map to improve the students' decimal learning), to pay attention to the understanding of the students' arithmetic in decimal teaching (to strengthen the expression of the students' mathematical language and to help the students understand the decimal calculation with the help of specific intuitive models), and to pay attention to the cultivation of the students' sense of decimal.
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