[Abstract]:Memory is the cognitive side of learning. Human learning needs to be realized by memory. However, due to individual differences, memory and memory forms are different, which will more or less affect the learning effect of individuals. More and more studies show that memory is positively correlated with academic achievement, and learning to memorize is a powerful means to promote learning achievement. The first important part of students learning knowledge through memory is sensory memory. Students can remember the information of knowledge for a short time by instinctively using the related ability of sensory memory. Knowledge is then transformed into formal memory suitable for oneself and grasped and then applied. In psychology, human sensory memory is divided into auditory memory, visual memory and kinesthetic memory, which, though transient, have an important influence on thinking, if the multi-sensory memory can be combined. This time effect can be extended to help them transition to short-term memory and complete the learning of knowledge. Promoting multi-sensory memory can improve the memory efficiency. In primary school mathematics classroom, teachers choose the teaching design according to the students' memory characteristics according to the difference of students' sensory memory preferences, and implement the teaching strategies that accord with the students' memory characteristics. It is not only conducive to the smooth implementation of teacher's teaching plan, but also helps teachers to better help students to explore the formation of knowledge, so as to better develop students' learning ability and improve their academic performance. The teaching strategy based on the above theory is applied to the mathematics teaching in primary school. After testing the students' scores before and after the use of the teaching strategy, it is concluded that the teaching strategies to promote students' multi-sensory memory in primary school mathematics teaching are effective for the improvement of students' scores.
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