[Abstract]:With the arrival of big data, the rise of visual culture, the rise of core literacy, especially the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the party explicitly put forward the requirement of "persisting in the cultivation of virtue" and "improving the teaching of aesthetic education and enhancing students' aesthetic and humanistic literacy". Design thinking with both rationality and sensibility has been paid more and more attention, so it is urgent to train design thinking. The period of primary school is a significant turning point for the development of children's thinking. It begins to transition from concrete image thinking to abstract logical thinking and has a complete structure for the development of human thinking. How to train the design thinking in the art classroom of primary school is a subject to be explored. This paper focuses on the application of media and methods to the training of art design thinking in primary school, starting with the media material. Through the classification of material source, material form, material use, physical property, material texture and material manufacture, the method of selecting media material according to design conception and material characteristic is introduced. A bold attempt has been made on the design thinking training in the field of "design application" and other learning fields in the art classroom of primary school. In this paper, four typical cases are selected to explore the application of media and methods in the training of art design thinking in primary schools. They are "bag lifting Design"-"Design Conception Guide" training method. "Self-made small photo frame"-training method of "material selection of various paths", "Paper-cut Art" training method of "from appreciation to dissemination", "fantastic idea"-training method of "from form composition to styling performance". At present, there are few researches on the field of art design thinking training in primary schools in China. This paper summarizes the classification and selection basis of media materials by exploring the media and methods of art design thinking training in primary schools, taking media materials as the entry point. This paper puts forward some methods of designing thinking training in the field of "design and application" and other fields of study of fine arts, and proves it in the concrete teaching cases, which can effectively train the design thinking of the high level students in primary schools. It has reference value to construct the research theory of art design education in primary school.
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