[Abstract]:In order to carry out the views of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening adolescent physical education and strengthening their physique, we should earnestly strengthen the work of school physical education, comprehensively improve the level of physical health of young people, and train outstanding sports reserve talents. According to the Nanjing Education Action Plan of the 2014 Youth Olympic Committee, the Nanjing Primary and Middle School students'Talent Development Plan, and the measures for Nanjing City to promote the combination of Education, physical Education and training of excellent Sports Reserve talents, And the "notice on the Establishment of the Nanjing Sunshine Sports School" and other document requirements, through the school self-evaluation declaration, the district and county education bureau, the sports bureau evaluation recommendation, the city education bureau, the sports bureau organization related expert review and the field inspection, Decided to name 126 Nanjing Jinling Middle School and other schools as "Nanjing Sunshine Sports School." However, due to the late start and immature development of sports characteristic items, it is inevitable to meet various problems in the process of development. This study takes the formation and development of sports characteristic items in primary schools of Nanjing Sunshine Sports School as the research object. Through the questionnaire survey, the author deeply understood the present situation and existing problems of the sports characteristic items, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, so as to further promote the smooth development of the sports characteristic items. In this study, we mainly use the methods of literature, expert interview, questionnaire, data analysis and logic analysis. This paper makes an investigation and analysis on the present situation of sports characteristic items in Nanjing Sunshine Sports School and finds the following problems: the phenomenon of "attaching importance to the application before applying, neglecting after applying"; The characteristics of school sports features are not prominent; sports features are not stable phenomenon; talent transmission channels are not smooth, and the corresponding sports characteristics of middle schools do not link up; stagnation, sports characteristics of the unique disappearance. In order to promote the development of sports characteristic items in Nanjing Sunshine Sports School, the following suggestions and countermeasures are put forward: 1. Establish a good evaluation mechanism of sports characteristics, improve the impact of sports characteristics. 2. Government departments to Nanjing City Sunshine Sports School to select and supervise the equal emphasis. 3. Strengthen the link between different levels of schools, primary school sports features and middle schools should establish a good correspondence, establish a smooth talent transmission channels. 4. Cultivate excellent teaching staff, improve the overall teaching level and develop professional training teams, and actively participate in outside competitions to make up for their own deficiencies. 5. 5. Carry on the characteristic innovation unceasingly, deepen the education reform, achieve "the person does not have I have, the person has my superiority, the person is superior and I is strong".
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