[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the relationship between mobile phone dependence, anxiety and loneliness, and to use group counseling to intervene. Methods: a questionnaire survey was conducted on the degree of mobile phone dependence, communication anxiety and loneliness among college students, and group psychological counseling intervention was carried out on college students with mobile phone dependence. Results: first, 90.94% of the college students had a tendency to rely on mobile phone, and there was a significant correlation between mobile phone dependence and anxiety and loneliness. Second, after intervention, 10 college students with different degrees of mobile phone dependence showed a decrease in the total scores of mobile phone dependence, anxiety, and emotional-social loneliness. Conclusion: group counseling has certain intervention effect on reducing cell phone dependence, anxiety, emotion and social loneliness.
【作者单位】: 韶关学院;
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