[Abstract]:Just a few days ago, the Russian Ministry of Education announced a plan to limit the amount of homework done by primary and secondary school students at home, requiring that the time for students in Grade 2 to complete their homework should not exceed 1.5 hours, that for Grade 4 or 5 students should not exceed 2 hours, and that for Grade 6 to Grade 8 students should not exceed 2. 5 hours. Students in Grade 11 shall not exceed 3.5 hours. Irina Manuinova, vice chairman of the Russian State Duma Education Commission, said the proposal was reasonable: "Children can't spend their time studying and doing homework. The time spent by students on homework is already set, but unfortunately, it is often not complied with. The school doesn't examine the children at the administrative level.
【作者单位】: 驻俄罗斯使馆教育处;
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