[Abstract]:As the Secretary for Education, what is the most important quality and ability? Knowledge, thought, morality, faith. Perhaps, only a good school at home and the happy smiling faces of the common people and the growing and improving children can interpret the right answer. In the past two years, the author carried out several inspections with the Education Supervision Group of the Ministry of Education on the basic balanced development of compulsory education in the country in counties (cities, districts), and contacted the directors of education in different counties (cities, districts). Heard some of the Secretary of Education's distress and confusion, some of the implementation of the system, some of the professional qualities of the Director of Education. In comparison with the post duties of the Secretary for Education, I have made an introduction to the role played by the Secretary for Education in the development of local education.
【作者单位】: 辽宁省大连市西岗区教育局;
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