本文关键词: 乌干达 女子 基础教育 出处:《浙江师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:女子教育不仅可以实现女子受教育的基本权利,而且对国家经济增长、社会和谐和人力发展具有关键作用。乌干达社会长期存在性别不平等问题,社会、经济、家庭、文化等因素严重阻碍了女子教育的发展。乌干达独立后,性别逐渐成为政府发展议程的中心,各级教育规模的扩大增加了女子受教育的机会,女子基础教育获得快速的发展。研究乌干达女子基础教育问题,对促进国家性别平等和推动教育公平具有重要的现实意义。女性的自身发展对社会发展有着重要的影响。促进女子基础教育的发展对个人、社会和家庭都有着实实在在的好处。 本论文运用历史法、文献法、比较法等方法,利用大量翔实的数据和资料对乌干达女子基础教育进行系统研究。描述乌干达女子基础教育的历史演变,分析影响乌干达女子基础教育的主要因素,指出女子基础教育在发展过程中所遇到的障碍,阐述乌干达政府、国际社会、非政府组织等为促进女子基础教育所采取的支持措施。论文最后总结乌干达女子基础教育所取得的成效,分析所面临的问题与挑战。 论文主要分为五个部分。 绪论部分主要描述论文的研究背景、研究目的、研究框架与方法以及国内外对该问题的研究现状。 第二部分介绍了乌干达女子基础教育的发展历史,独立前,提供女子教育的主要机构为教会学校,包括英国教会学校、天主教学校和穆斯林学校。独立后,乌干达政府资助的小学基本都是男女同校性质的,还相继建立了一些独立女子中学、男女同校中学、接收男女生的寄宿制学校等,女子教育得到缓慢发展。 第三部分论述影响女子基础教育发展的主要因素。来自家庭方面因素包括家长态度、家庭的社会经济状况;社会因素包括婚姻系统、自然与地域因素和历史、政治等因素,教育系统本身的因素有课程的提供与选择、教育系统中的角色榜样、职业指导和咨询等。 第四部分阐述乌干达政府、国际社会及非政府组织推进女子基础教育的措施。政府在法律层面保障了女子受教育的基本权利,并在国际社会、公民组织等的推动下,共同实施了一些扩大女子入学的干预措施,如捐助书籍、支持女孩科学教育、设置奖学金、女童教育运动、改善学校的基础设施、早期儿童发展计划、友好型学校,非洲女童教育倡议等。 最后一部分总结了乌干达女子基础教育取得的成效,提出其所面临的问题与挑战。乌干达女子基础教育取得了较大进步,包括女子入学率得到提高,受教育机会增加,学校环境更有利于女子学习,降低了女子文盲率,消除了一些女子入学的障碍等。但由于经济和教育基础薄弱,乌干达女子基础教育的改善还需要一个漫长过程。
[Abstract]:The women's education can not only realize the basic rights of women's education, but also to the national economic growth, plays a key role in social harmony and human development. The problem of gender inequality, Uganda has long social, economic, family, cultural and other factors seriously hindered the development of women's education in Uganda. After independence, sex has become the government's development agenda the center, the expansion of education at all levels to increase women's access to education, women's basic education has developed rapidly. The research of Uganda women's basic education, to promote the national gender equality and promote educational equity has important practical significance. Has an important effect on the development of women's own development to promote women's basic education society. The development of the individual, family and society have tangible benefits.
This thesis uses historical method, literature method, comparative method, systematic study of women's basic education in Uganda with a lot of data and information. To describe the evolution of girl's basic education in Uganda's history, the analysis of main factors influencing women's basic education in Uganda, points out that women's basic education in the development of the obstacles encountered, elaborated the Uganda the government and the international community, non-governmental organizations have taken measures to support basic education. The paper concludes with a summary of women's basic education in Uganda and the achievements and challenges in the process.
The introduction part mainly describes the research background, research purpose, research status of the problem of the research framework and methods at home and abroad.
The second part introduces the development history of women's basic education in Uganda before independence, the main institutions provide education for girls church schools, including the church schools in Britain, Catholic schools and Muslim schools. After independence, the Uganda government funded primary school are coeducational, also have established a number of independent school, CO secondary school, students receive boarding schools, women's education has been developed slowly.
The third part discusses the main factors affecting the development of women's basic education. Family factors include the attitude of parents, family social economic status; social factors including marriage system, natural and geographical factors and historical factors, political factors, the education system itself is provided with course selection, education system, role model, occupation guidance and consulting.
The fourth part of the Uganda government, the international community and non-governmental organizations to promote women's basic education measures. The government to protect the basic rights of women's education in the legal level, and in the international community, promote civic organizations under the joint implementation of some women's interventions to expand enrollment, such as donations of books, girls support science education set up scholarships, girls education movement, improve school infrastructure, early childhood development programs, friendly schools, African girls' education initiative.
The last part summarizes the results of women's basic education in Uganda has been put forward, the problems and challenges it faces. The women's basic education in Uganda has made great progress, including women's enrollment rate increased, increasing educational opportunities, the school environment more conducive to women's learning, reduce the female illiteracy rate, eliminating some of the obstacles of girl's enrollment but because of the economic and educational foundation is weak, the improvement of girl's basic education in Uganda still needs a long process.
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