本文选题:自我调节学习效能感 切入点:学业拖延 出处:《中国心理卫生杂志》2011年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the effect of group intervention on academic procrastination by improving self-regulated learning efficacy. Methods: a total of 29 subjects with learning procrastination were recruited by convenient sampling. Group intervention was conducted for 3 weeks and 6 times. Group intervention was combined with short-course focus therapy and cognitive therapy. The focus of intervention was to improve the self-regulated learning efficacy of the subjects. SES-RLSU, BDI / Tuckman procrastination scale and TPSwere used to test the self-regulated learning efficacy scale before, after and three weeks after the intervention, and the results were as follows: (1) before group intervention, 3 weeks after the intervention, the subjects were tested with SES-RLSU, BDI / Tuckman procrastination scale (TPS). The participants were asked to report the amount of time delay and the impact of delay on their academic performance. Results: the results of repeated measurement of variance analysis showed that the interaction between time and group scores in SESRLS, the amount of time delay, and the result of procrastination was significant. The SESRLS score of the experimental group was higher than that of the pre-test group, while the delayed time and the impact of procrastination on the study were lower than those of the pre-test (all P 0.05, the SESRLS score of the control group at three time points, the amount of the delay time). There was no significant difference in procrastination consequence. Time, SESRLS score, the amount of delay time, the main effect of procrastination consequence were not significant. Conclusion: group intervention can effectively improve the self-regulated learning efficacy of individuals, thus make the individual procrastination behavior, the negative consequences of procrastination decrease, but can not reduce procrastination tendency, showing the stability of procrastination tendency. The results suggest that longer-term intervention is needed for future intervention.
【作者单位】: 北京大学心理学系;
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