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发布时间:2018-03-18 15:23

  本文选题:儒学 切入点:师生关系 出处:《华东师范大学》2011年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:文章将历史上师生关系的变化置于儒学演变的背景中来考察。在先秦从儒到儒学的演变过程中,儒学吸纳了其他学派的一些思想。两汉时期,儒学宗派化、神学化和政治化,表面上独尊,实际上丧失了“学”的独立性,变为一种服务于皇权的“术”。魏晋南北朝隋唐时期,儒学在与佛教和道教的纷争、交融中曲折发展。两宋时期,经朱熹之前几代人上百年的努力,儒学在吸收了佛道思想后,增强思辨性,以理学的形态出现,更能圆融地解释自然社会现象,理论体系更为成熟。元明清时期,程朱理学成为官方统治哲学,影响扩大。到了晚明时期,理学逐渐僵化,走向形式教条,于是心学兴起,但其极端抛弃礼法,纵情声色,因而也遭到抨击。明亡,有人归因于心学,纷纷声讨其空谈误国。清初,统治者大力提倡程朱理学,理学一度回光返照,但终不敷时用,影响渐弱。国门洞开后,西方思想对国人的影响日益扩大,儒学与之发生冲撞,并遭一些人批判。随着科举的废除和清朝的灭亡,儒学的主要传播途径被切断,政治支柱倒塌,其衰落就成了历史必然。但儒学中一些思想并未消失,而是附着在其他理论中,继续发挥着影响。 儒学对中国传统师生关系的影响,是通过这样的机制发挥作用:一是儒学塑造人。儒学通过影响人的价值观、人性观,并通过对师生伦理的规范而影响师生关系;二是构筑尊师氛围。当儒学观念被广泛认同时,教师地位就高,尊师风就盛;反之,则轻师。 所以,儒学在变,师生关系也在变。先秦时期,是师生关系的萌芽和发展阶段,孔门师生结合的纽带是道义,比较纯粹,师生的等级不分明,总的来说比较平等,师生可以相互批评。百家争鸣中,各家各派思想逐渐交汇,相互影响,战国后期乃至秦,法家得势,荀子思想中“师道尊严”的影响随之扩大,这不但拉大了师生距离,也使师生关系趋于不平等。两汉时期,是师生关系的确立期。汉初,荀子的徒子徒孙传经的多,其“师道尊严”也随之流播,及至董仲舒的“独尊儒术”被采纳实施,儒学政治化,通经成了入仕做官的必要条件,于是经学热出现了。又由于受传播媒介的制约,求学得靠老师。而经学的门派化,以及由此而产生的师法家法,又使得学生对老师的依附性大为增强。师生交往中加入了功利性因素,也就不那么纯粹,师生间的不平等就很显著。及至东汉末年,党锢之祸又使士人疏远政权,加之做官主要靠门第,于是求学积极性低落,师生关系从魏晋到唐,都处于摇晃中。到了宋代,一方面,理学强调人伦礼仪,师弟子关系又受到重视,学派内师生关系紧密;另一方面,在官学中,随着“三舍法”的实施,有的官学教师利用取士权利徇私舞弊,给师生关系打上功利化色彩,疏离了师生关系。元明清时期,程朱理学上升为官方意识形态,受到推崇,科举和各级教育受其支配,官学中师生之间等级森严。但在私学中,也有超越功利以追求道义而结合成的师弟子群体。 所以,儒学之变和师生关系之变不是简单的一一对应关系,它们的演变都不是一种单一的固定模式,而是呈现出错综复杂的状态,既有总体特征,又有不同阶段的具体特点和诸多不同的表现形态。
[Abstract]:The change in the relationship between teachers and students in the history of the evolution of Confucianism background. In the pre Qin Congru evolution of Confucianism, Confucianism absorbed some thoughts of other schools. In the Han Dynasty, Confucian sect, theological and political domination, on the surface, actually lost the independence of "learning" change, as a service to the imperial power of the "art". The Sui and Tang Dynasties, Confucianism and Buddhism and Taoism disputes, tortuous development in the blending of the two Song dynasties. After several generation of people, hundreds of years before Zhu Xi, in the absorption of Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism, enhance the speculative, appear Daniel learn the form, can explain the natural harmony of social phenomenon, the theoretical system is more mature. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Neo Confucianism became the official governing philosophy, to increase the effect. In the late Ming Dynasty, Confucianism gradually to form rigid, dogmatic, and his rise, but the extreme Abandon the etiquette, debauchery, and have been criticized. The end of the Ming Dynasty, it was attributed to the mind, have denounced the empty talk. At the beginning of Qing Dynasty, rulers vigorously promote the science of Cheng Zhu, science was not enough but the end of the last radiance of the setting sun, in effect become weak. The opening to the outside world, the influence of Western thought of expanding the Confucianism and the collision, and some people were criticized. With the abolishment of the imperial examination system and the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, cut off the main route of transmission of Confucianism, the political pillar collapsed, its decline has become inevitable. But some thoughts in Confucianism has not disappeared, but attached to the other theory, continues to influence.
Influence of Confucianism on Chinese traditional teacher-student relationship, play an important role in this mechanism: one is Confucianism. Confucianism influenced by shaping human values, human nature, and the teachers and students of ethics and the relationship between teachers and students; the two is to build respect for the atmosphere. When the concept of Confucianism has been widely recognized at the same time, the high status of teachers for the wind, on the other hand, Sheng; light division.
Therefore, Confucianism is changing, the relationship between teachers and students are changing. The pre Qin period, the relationship between teachers and students is the sprout and development stage, combined with the Confucian moral ties between teachers and students, teachers and students of the grade is relatively pure, not clear, generally equal, teachers and students can criticize each other. In various schools of thought gradually contention of a hundred schools of thought, intersection, mutual influence in the late Warring States period and Qin Legalists in Xunzi thought of "the teacher's dignity" influence is expanding, which not only widened the distance between teachers and students, the relationship between teachers and students tend to be equal. In the Han Dynasty, is the establishment of the relationship between teachers and students. At the beginning of Han Dynasty, Xunzi's disciples and followers by more, "the teacher's dignity" will spread, and Dong Zhongshu's "Confucianism" is adopted and implemented, Confucianism political, and has become a necessary condition in an official, so the heat appeared. But due to the media about, studying Classics depends on the teacher. The martial art, and the resulting from law, but also makes the student to teacher attachment is greatly enhanced. Communication between teachers and students joined the utilitarian factors, is not so pure, not equality between teachers and students is very significant. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, criminal and intellectuals alienated regime, and the main work by birth, so studying enthusiasm is low, the relationship between teachers and students from Wei Jin to Tang, are shaking. In the Song Dynasty, on the one hand, science emphasizes the human relations and the disciple etiquette, teacher attention, school teachers and students relations closely; on the other hand, in the official schools, with the implementation of the "three homes" some official teachers use, take the right to play favoritism, the relationship between teachers and students on the utilitarian color, the alienation of the relationship between teachers and students. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Neo Confucianism rise as the official ideology, respected, imperial examination and education at all levels under the control of the public school teachers. In the private school, there is also a group of disciples who have transcended the utilitarian to pursue moral integrity.
Therefore, the change of Confucianism and the relationship between teachers and students is not a one-to-one correspondence. Their evolution is not a single fixed mode, but a complicated state of error. It has both the general characteristics and the specific characteristics of different stages and many different forms of expression.



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