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  本文选题:青少年 切入点:心理 出处:《西南大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:心理理论(theory of mind ToM)是理解自己及他人的心理状态,并据此解释与预测行为的能力。对于成人,国外已有成人心理理论的行为学研究主要集中在心理理论的信念加工方式、心理理论与执行功能、心理理论与语言、心理理论的老年化研究等方面,是儿童心理理论研究范式和研究内容在成人身上的扩展性运用,较多地倾向于成人心理理论认知层面的研究。国内研究正常成人心理理论的行为学非常少,综述仅两篇,实证研究只有三项(第一章)。 马基雅维里主义信仰者(Machiavellian)特别重视个人利益,善于操控他人,应该是优秀的读心者(mind reading)。一些研究发现成人或大学生的心理理论水平(主要是通过眼任务和心理理论故事任务来测量)与其马基雅维里主义信仰呈显著负相关(如,Lee, Ashton,2005, Lyons, Caldwell,Shultz,2010)或者正相关(如,DavisStone,2003; Sutton,2001)或者不相关(如,Ali,Chamorro-Premuzic,2010)。另一方面,许多研究发现男性马基雅维里主义信仰程度显著高于女性(如,Andrew, Cooke,Muncer,2008; Austin, Farrelly, Black, Moore,2007; Muncer,Ling,2006; McHoskey,2001)。如果成人或大学生的心理理论水平与其马基雅维里主义信仰呈显著负相关或者正相关或者不相关,那么马基雅维里主义信仰程度越高者其心理理论能力就会倾向于越低或越高或相关不显著;又由于男性马基雅维里主义信仰程度显著高于女性,那么是否可以由此推测男性的心理理论水平相对于女性更低或更高或没有显著相关?或者换一句话说,马基雅维里主义信仰对不同性别心理理论水平的影响机制是否相同?国外已有的研究没有回答该问题,中国大陆还没有研究者研究成人心理理论水平、性别、马基雅维里主义信仰这三者之间的关系,这是本研究关注的第一个问题。 从发展的角度看,对儿童心理理论与马基雅维里主义量表(简称马氏量表)的研究结果与成人的发现有所不同。较多的研究支持高马基雅维里主义信仰儿童有更优的心理理论技能(Sutton, Smith,Swettenham,1999; Sutton,Keogh, 2000; Andreou,2004; Arefi,2010)。因此从发展的角度考察青少年心理理论水平与人格影响因素如马基雅维里主义信仰程度之间的发展变化关系,是本研究关注的第二个问题。 Nettle和Liddle(2008)发现大五人格因素中的宜人性(Agreeable)与心理理论操作的社会知觉因素(" Reading the Mind in the Eyes " Test)无关。该研究中女大学生比男大学生的宜人性显著更高,但女大学生在眼部照片任务(以下简称眼任务)的成绩仅略微高于男大学生(差异不显著)。这似乎不太符合常理。既然女大学生宜人性显著更高,可以合理推测相对而言她们也是对他人情绪更敏感、更体贴的,但为何在根据眼部区域识别情绪的眼任务上的成绩与男大学生之间的差异不显著呢?更准确的表达是,高宜人性的女大学生是否在以眼任务为代表的心理理论能力也更高呢?Nettle和Liddle (2008)的研究中没有提及这一点。这是本研究感兴趣的第三个问题(第二章)。 为了与国外同类研究结果相对照,本研究的心理理论测量工具和人格测量工具与国外其他研究者采用的研究工具一致。在正式研究前,对英文版眼任务做了大量耐心、细致的工作以确保翻译的准确性(第三章)。对人格测量工具马基雅维里主义量表和IPIP人格量表做了预研究,综合考虑探索性因素分析的结果和量表原有的因素、结构,最终确定在正式研究中保持这两种人格量表最初的因素和结构不变(第四章)。 运用马基雅维里主义量表和IPIP人格量表,采用多层嵌套的故事心理理论任务和眼任务,对18岁及18岁以上的118名大学生(平均年龄20.77岁,SD=1.32)的心理理论特点及人格影响因素展开研究(第五章)。研究发现,大学生在IPIP人格量表中的宜人性测量与其眼任务成绩没有显著相关,宜人性的性别差异也不显著。多重嵌套的故事心理理论任务在大学生中达到天花板效应,与性别、IPIP人格量表、马氏量表之间的相关均不显著。大学女生的眼任务成绩显著好于大学男生。大学男生的马基雅维里主义信仰得分趋于显著地高于女生(p=0.69)。在马氏量表上得分越高的大学女生其在眼任务的成绩也越好。 从大学生的研究可知,以眼任务为代表的心理理论仅与马基雅维里主义量表和性别有关。运用马基雅维里主义量表和眼任务,研究323名13岁到17岁中学生(平均年龄15.28岁,SD=1.34)心理理论的发展及其与马基雅维利主义信仰的关系(第六章)。研究发现:随年龄的增长,中学生以眼任务为代表的心理理论和马基雅维里主义量表(简称马氏量表)测量的马基雅维利主义信仰均在逐步发展。男中学生16岁、女中学生17岁是以眼任务为代表的心理理论能力发展较为快速的飞跃时期;男中学生16岁、女中学生16岁是其马基雅维里主义信仰发展较为快速的飞跃时期;男中学生14岁、女中学生14岁是以眼任务为代表的心理理论能力和马基雅维里主义信仰发展最为低谷的时期。可能与青春期的动荡有关。 中学女生在眼任务为代表的心理理论能力方面显著高于中学男生。中学男生的马基雅维里主义信仰程度显著高于中学女生。女中学生的马基雅维利主义信仰程度越高,其在眼任务为代表的心理理论能力也越高。 自16岁以后到18岁及18岁以上(本研究中大学生最大年龄为25岁),青少年的马基雅维里主义信仰、以眼任务代表的心理理论能力平稳发展,无显著差异(第七章)。18岁及以上年龄的眼任务、马基雅维里主义信仰都显著高于13岁、14岁、15岁的中学生。 本研究支持这样的观点:马基雅维利主义信仰对于青少年男女生心理理论水平(以眼任务为代表)的影响机制是不同的,青少年女生马基雅维利主义信仰程度越高,其在眼任务为代表的心理理论的能力也显著更高。而马基雅维利主义信仰程度的高低对于青少年男生以眼任务为代表的心理理论水平没有显著影响(第八章)。该结论仍需要进一步的系统研究。未来的研究要注重改进眼任务,修订马氏量表,进一步系统研究性别、马基雅维利主义信仰、心理理论等三者之间的关系。
[Abstract]:The psychological theory of mind ToM is an understanding of the psychological state of oneself and others , and explains the ability to predict the behavior accordingly . For adults , the behavioral research of adult psychological theories in foreign countries mainly focuses on the belief processing way , psychological theory and execution function , psychological theory and language , psychology theory .

Mr . makiavellian pays special attention to personal interests , is good at manipulating others , and should be a good reader . Some studies have found that the psychological level of the adult or college students ( mainly measured by the task of eye and psychological theories ) is negatively correlated with its makiavelli doctrine ( e.g . Lee , Ashton , 2005 , Lyons , Caldwell , Shultz , 2010 ) or is not relevant ( e.g . , Ali , Arafat - Premugged , 2010 ) . On the other hand , many studies have found that there is a significantly higher level of religious belief in males than females ( e.g . Andrew , Cooke , Muncer , 2008 ; Austin , Farrelly , Black , Moore , 2007 ; Muncer , Ling , 2006 ; McMankey , 2001 ) . If the level of psychological theory of adult or college students is negatively correlated with or is not related to that of makiavelli doctrine , then the higher the psychological theory ability of makiavelli doctrine , the lower or higher or less relevant ;
It is the first question to be concerned about the relationship between the level of adult psychological theory , sex , and Makiavelli ' s belief in the mainland of China .

From the perspective of development , the results of the research on children ' s psychological theory and the makiavelli scale are different from those found in adults ( Sutton , Smith , Swetsuit , 1999 ; Sutton , Keogh , 2000 ; Andreou , 2004 ; Arefi , 2010 ) . Therefore , from the perspective of development , it is the second problem to pay attention to the relationship between the level of psychological theory and the influence factors of personality , such as the degree of faith in Makiavelli doctrine .

Nettle and Liddle ( 2008 ) found that it was not relevant to the social perception factors ( " Reading the Mind in the Eyes " Test ) of the psychological theory operation . Female college students were only slightly more sensitive and considerate than male students in the eye photograph task ( hereinafter referred to as the eye task ) .

In order to compare with the research results from abroad , the research tool and the personality measurement tool are consistent with the research tools adopted by other foreign researchers . Before the formal study , we have done a lot of patience and careful work to ensure the accuracy of translation ( chapter 3 ) . The results of exploratory factor analysis and the original factors and structure of the scale are comprehensively considered , and the initial factors and structure of the two personality inventory are determined in the formal study ( chapter IV ) .

The psychological and personality factors of 118 college students aged 18 and over ( mean age : 20.77 years , SD = 1.32 ) and personality influence factors were studied by using the makiavelli scale and the IPIP Personality Inventory ( IPIP ) .

From the study of college students , the psychological theory represented by the eye task is only related to the Makiavelli ' s scale and gender , and the relationship between the psychological theory of 323 students aged 13 to 17 ( mean age 15.28 years , SD = 1.34 ) and the relationship between them ( Chapter 6 ) are studied .
The 16 - year - old middle school students and 16 - year - old middle school students are the fast - leap - leap days in the development of Makiavelli ' s beliefs .
The 14 - year - old male middle school student is a 14 - year - old female middle school student , the psychological theory ability which is represented by the eye task and the period of the development of Makiavelli doctrine . It may be related to the turbulence of adolescence .

Secondary school girls are significantly higher in mental theory than in middle school boys in the eyes of middle school boys . The higher levels of Makiavelli ' s belief in middle school boys are higher than those in secondary school girls . The higher the degree of Makiya Velitism in secondary school students , the higher the mental theoretical ability of the students in the eye task .

From the age of 16 to over 18 years and over 18 years of age ( college students in this study are 25 years old ) , there is no significant difference ( Chapter 7 ) . The mental theories of the eye task represent stable development without significant difference ( Chapter VII ) . The eye tasks of the age of 18 and above are all significantly higher than that of middle school students aged 13 , 14 and 15 .

This study supports the view that the influence mechanism of the Makiavelli doctrine on the psychological theory level of adolescent boys and girls ( represented by the eye task ) is different . The higher the Makiya Velitism , the higher the level of the psychological theory represented by the task of the eye , the conclusion still needs further systematic research . The future research should pay attention to improving the eye task , revising the Martens scale , and further studying the relationship between the gender , the Markiya Vilianism belief and the psychological theory .



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