本文选题:班级管理 + 惩戒教育 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文所论惩戒教育在班级管理工作中运用与实施,并非标新立异,独树一帜。古今中外,无数教育家对惩戒教育多有论述。从理论上讲,惩戒教育渗透于人类生活的各个领域。现实生活中贯穿着惩戒原则。可以说,惩戒教育是规范人们行为的一种必需;不论从认识论,不论从方法论,惩戒教育都是社会的需要、国家的需要、人类的需要,自然也是教育界的需要。只因为作为一种教育手段,事实上它是曾经存在的、很多教师试用的、也是不可或缺的。之所以探究它研习它,主要目的是为了拓展新型的、实用的教育方法,作为教育模式的一种尝试或者补充,惩戒教育,在多年的教育教学过程中,经过探索、试验、实践、规范、完善,来唤醒教师们多关爱学生,更要多关注“问题”学生,以达到预期的效果。 笔者并无意识否定赏识教育、感化教育,也决不是排斥其它教育手段,无论如何,该体系的教育理所当然成为主渠道。但是,这种教育也有鞭长莫及,难以奏效的时候。问题是在教育领域中,多年来人们一说惩戒,就自觉不自觉地联想、挂靠到体罚上。因此宁愿破罐破摔,得过且过,也不敢试试惩戒教育。在素质教育的今天,为了学生的健康成长,惩戒教育不仅可以运用,而且非用不可。 在相关的教育法律法规中,明确规定教师不得体罚和变相体罚学生,无疑是正确的。但我们不能把合理的必要的惩戒教育与体罚划等号。应明确界定惩戒与体罚的界限,我们所讲的惩戒教育不是无度、无端、无据。这个“据”,就是教育法规、章程;这个“端”,就是惩戒的理由,让被惩戒的学生心服口服。这个“度”,就是错误与惩戒尺度的相应性,即错则罚的相统一。学生为什么会常常犯错误?正如成人常常犯错一样,中小学生怎能不犯错?犯错并不可怕,可怕的是学生犯了错我们不去及时纠正,或者纠正乏术。在分析当前国内教育现状的同时,结合班级管理中出现的种种情形,老师须根据学生的个性、品质、经历、学习情况,通过多种方法,就像医生为病人治病一样,争取做到,对症下药,药到病除,最后起到了良好的效果。 应该说,惩戒教育是教育中最硬的手段之一,但这种硬决不能与《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》、《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《中华人民共和国教师法》相抵触,也决不能心血来潮一意孤行。它是一种经过反复试证,既有法律依据,又具有科学支撑的可操作的可见效的教育模式之一,它的运用前提是明确的教育目的和中规中矩的形式。离开了教育目的的惩戒,那是随心所欲,离开了教育法规的掌控,那将是滥用职权,很可能演化为变相体罚,甚至侵权。惩戒教育不容否定,惩戒教育与其它种种好的教育手段相结合,分清场合,甄别对象,把握分寸该运用时就运用,这就是笔者的初衷。 惩戒教育是大爱的体现,只有当你对学生的大爱成为你的神圣职责时,你才会恰到好处的实施之,你的实施使你的学生体会到其中包蕴的爱,有了这一深度的爱,学生能不理解不感恩吗?之所以大力提倡总结,就是为了不断地矫正它,完善它,恰如其分,恰到好处。如此,我们的惩戒教育就会更加规范,更臻成熟,日益显示良好的效果。 合理的惩戒教育,既不能违反法规和道德规范,又不能违背教育规律,为此教师要严格把握“惩戒”教育的适度性:一是控制惩戒程度,教师的暴怒会使学生产生逆反心理,导致教育失败。二是把握惩戒尺度,避免伤害学生的自尊心,在保护学生自尊心基础上的批评和惩戒,能让学生清醒地认识到自己的错误,乐于接受批评教育。 多年的教育经验告诉我们,出于爱的惩戒教育是教育工作中不可或缺的手段,不但是教师管理班级的需要,也是学生健康成长的需要。只要善加利用,掌握好适度,必能起到良好的效果。
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the application and implementation of disciplinary education in class management , and it is not a novelty and unique . In ancient times , numerous educationalists have discussed the disciplinary education . In theory , disciplinary education is infiltrated into various fields of human life . In real life , disciplinary education runs through the principle of discipline . It can be said that disciplinary education is a necessity to regulate people ' s behavior .
Whether from epistemology , regardless of methodology , disciplinary education are the needs of society , the needs of the country , the needs of mankind , nature is also the needs of the education community .
The author does not consciously deny the education of appreciation and education , nor does it mean to exclude other means of education . In any case , the education of the system is of course a main channel . However , the problem is that in the field of education , the punishment is not consciously associated with the punishment .
In the relevant educational laws and regulations , it is no doubt that teachers should not corporal punishment and corporal punishment of students , no doubt it is correct . However , we can not equate reasonable necessary disciplinary education with corporal punishment .
This " end " , which is the reason for the punishment , is taken orally by the disciplined students . This " degree " is the corresponding nature of the error and the disciplinary measure . That is , the error is unified . As adults often make mistakes , how can the primary and middle school students make mistakes ?
Disciplinary education is one of the hardest tools in education , but it must not be in conflict with the law of juvenile protection of the People ' s Republic of China , the law of compulsory education of the People ' s Republic of China and the law of teachers of the People ' s Republic of China . It is a kind of discipline that has been repeatedly tested , has legal basis and scientific support .
Disciplinary education is the reflection of great love . Only when you love the great love of the students become your sacred duty , you will do the right thing . Your implementation will make your students feel the love of the meaning , have this depth of love , the students can not understand the lack of gratitude ? The reason why we strongly advocate the summary is to constantly correct it , perfect it , just like it , just right . So , our disciplinary education will be more standardized , mature , and display good effect .
Reasonable punishment education can not violate the law of regulation and morality , but can ' t run counter to the law of education . For this reason , teachers should strictly grasp the appropriateness of the education of " discipline " : one is to control the degree of discipline , and the teacher ' s anger can lead the students to reverse psychology and lead to the failure of education .
The educational experience of many years tells us that , for the punishment education of love is an indispensable means in the education work , it is not only the needs of teachers ' management class , but also the need of the students ' healthy growth .
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