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网友1322891254近日为您收集整理了关于从评价理论角度分析英语学术书评的文档,,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:西南交通大学硕士学位论文从评价理论角度分析英语学术书评姓名:张昕申请学位级别:硕士专业:外国语言学及应用语言学指导教师:王维民20060401 32.陈淑芳评价系统与词汇产出[期刊论文]-山东外语教学 2002(6)33.李战子学术话语中认知型情态的多重人际意义[期刊论文]-外语教学与研究 2001(5)34.李战子身份策略的矛盾境地--《论不说汉语》中对中国人特质的评价[期刊论文]-外国语 2004(5)35.李战子评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题[期刊论文]-外语研究 2004(5)36.刘世铸.韩金龙新闻话语的评价系统[期刊论文]-外语电化教学 2004(4)37.唐丽萍学术书评语类结构的评价分析[期刊论文]-外国语 2004(3)38.唐青叶书评的语类结构及其情态的力量动态阐释[期刊论文]-外语学刊 2004(1)39.杨信彰语篇中的评价性手段[期刊论文]-外语与外语教学 2003(1)40.王振华评价系统及其运作--系统功能语言学的新发展[期刊论文]-外国语 2001(6)41.王振华"物质过程"的评价价值--以分析小说人物形象为例[期刊论文]-外国语 2004(5)本文读者也读过(10条)1. 崔倩英汉学术书评评价意义对比研究[学位论文]2008 2. 崔国艳英语学术书评的评价阶段中模糊限制语的人际意义——从评价理论角度的研究[学位论文]2009 3. 江艳奥巴马总统竞选演讲人际意义的评价分析[学位论文]2009 4. 裴欣欣布什对伊战争演讲的评价分析[学位论文]2007 5. 张健的书评网的设计与实现[期刊论文]-图书馆理论与实践2006(1)6. 杨信彰语篇视角的词汇语法体现[会议论文]-2005 7. 刘瑜英语新闻评论语类结构的评价分析[学位论文]2007 8. 马伟林隐性评价与显性评价:语篇功能的评价研究[学位论文]2009 9. 张树堂冷战期间美国总统就职演说语篇中的态度意义[学位论文]2006 10. 卢斯飞系统新颖丰厚实用--评覃可霖专著《写作思维学》[期刊论文]-广西社会科学2003(7)引用本文格式:张昕从评价理论角度分析英语学术书评[学位论文]硕士 2006从评价理论角度分析英语学术书评作者: 张昕学位授予单位: 西南交通大学参考文献(41条)1.Bakhtin M.M M Holquist The Dialogical Imagination 1981 2.Bakhtin M The Problem of Speech Genres 1986 3.Coffin C History as Discourse:Construal of Time,Cause and Appraisal 2000 4.Eggins S.Slade D Analysing Casual Conversation 1997 5.Fuller G Cultivating Science:Negotiating Discourse in the Popular Texts of Stephen Jay Gould 1998 6.Fairclough N Discourse and Social Change 1992 7.Halliday M A K An Introduction to Functional Grammar 1994 8.Halliday M A K.Hasan R Cohesion in English 1976 9.Halliday M A K.Hasan R Language,Context and Text:Aspects of Languagein a Socio-SemioticPerspective 1985 10.Hasan R Ways of Saying:Ways of Meaning 1996 11.Hood S Appraising Research:Taking a Stance in Academic Writing 2004 12.Hyland K Persuasion and Context:the Pragmatics of Academic Metadiscourse 1996 13.Hyland K Disciplinary Discourse:Social Interaction in Academic Writing 2000 14.K(o)rner H Negotiating Authority:The Logogenesis of Dialogue mon Law Judgments 2000 15.Markkanen R.Schroder H Hedging and Discourse:Approaches to the Analysis of a Pragmatic Phenomenonin Academic Texts 1997 16.Martin J R Macroproposals:meaning by degree 1992 17.Martin J R English Text 1992 18.Martin J R Analysing Genre:Functional Parameters 1997 19.Martin J R Beyond Exchange:Appraisal Systems in English 2000 20.Hunston S.Thompson G Evaluation in Text:Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse21.Martin J R.D Rose Working with Discourse:Meaning Beyond the Clause 2003 22.Motta-Roth D Book Review and Disciplinary Discourses:Defining a Genre 1995 23.Rothery J.M Stenglin Interpreting Literature:the Role of Appraisal 2000 24.Swales J Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Research Settings 1990 25.Thompson G Voices in the Text:Discourse Perspectives on Language Reports 1996 26.Veel R The Greening of School Science:Ecogenesis in Secondary Classrooms 1998 27.White P R R Telling Media Tales:the News Story as Rhetoric 1998 28.White P R R Appraisal Outline 2001 29.White P R R Beyond Modal


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