本文选题:人文知识 切入点:积累与内化 出处:《河海大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】:自古以来,一个国家、一个民族的昌盛与崛起,离不开“创新”。而创新的关键在于拥有一大批具有创新能力的人才。研究生教育是高等教育的最高层次,研究生是未来社会创新型人才的主要来源。在当今知识经济时代,作为高层次人才主要来源的研究生,其创新能力的培养显得尤为紧迫和重要。因此,怎样培养这批人的创新能力,探讨创新能力培养的途径必然十分重要。本论文试图从知识的视角开始,研究人文知识对创新能力培养的作用。 本论文始终坚持具体研究、防止泛化的原则,并从领域交叉中寻找新视角,从最基本的环节入手,牢牢把握事物的根本。因此,,把研究生创新教育的研究对象进行细分,只对理工科研究生进行研究。针对理工科研究生创新能力培养的特点,对研究对象创新能力不足的原因进行分析,本论文认为其创新能力不足的根本问题在于理工科研究生人文知识积累与内化的缺乏。从人文知识这一具体的角度出发,本论文拟从不同培养环节的缺失着手,提出具有建设性、可行性的建议。 文章首先讨论和分析了理工科研究生创新能力的现状,对理工科研究生创新能力的现状与我国对创新人才的要求进行比较。通过比较,找出两者间的差距并进行分析,探讨理工科研究生创新能力不足的原因,得出在培养过程中理工科研究生的人文知识积累与内化缺乏的结论。 文章还从知识形态和心理学两个角度对上述结论进行研究,由此对人文知识与理工科研究生创新能力培养之间的关系进行较为系统的分析与论述,从而得出人文知识积累与内化对其创新能力培养具有十分重要的作用的结论。 在完成了上述的研究分析之后,本论文从意识观念、知识共享、课程体系、科研实践、导师和学生自身六个方面,提出丰富理工科研究生人文知识,进而提高其创新能力的途径和手段。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, one country, prosperity and the rise of a nation, cannot do without innovation. Innovation is the key to have a large number of innovative talents. Graduate education is the highest level of higher education, graduate students are the main source of social innovative talents in the future. In today's era of knowledge economy as the main source of high level talents, cultivate their innovative ability is particularly urgent and important. Therefore, how to cultivate the innovation ability of the person, to explore ways to cultivate the innovation ability of the inevitable is very important. This paper attempts to start from the perspective of knowledge, to study the effect of humanities knowledge and the innovation ability.
This paper insists on the specific research, prevent the generalization of the principle, and to find a new perspective from the overlapping field, starting from the most basic aspects, firmly grasp the fundamental things. Therefore, the study of graduate education innovation in detail, only research on science and engineering graduate students. According to the characteristics of the cultivation of innovation ability of science and engineering graduate students, reasons for research object innovation analysis, this paper believes that the fundamental problem is the lack of innovation ability of graduate students lack of humanities knowledge accumulation and internalization of science and engineering. From the perspective of humanistic knowledge this specific perspective, this paper intends to start of the constructive. The feasibility of the proposal.
This paper discusses and analyzes the present situation of science and technology innovation ability of graduate students, to compare the status of innovation ability of science and engineering graduate students and our requirements for innovative talents. By comparison, find out the gap and analysis, explore the causes of science and engineering graduate student innovation ability is insufficient, the conclusion and the lack of internalization the science and engineering graduate training in the process of human knowledge accumulation.
We also studied the above conclusions from two aspects of knowledge form and psychology, this paper systematically analyzed and discussed the relationship between the cultivation of humanistic knowledge and science and engineering graduate student innovation ability, thus obtains the humanities knowledge accumulation and internalization plays an important role in the conclusion for cultivating the innovation ability.
After completing the above research and analysis, this paper puts forward ways and means to enrich humanities knowledge of science and engineering postgraduates and improve their innovative ability from six aspects: consciousness, knowledge sharing, curriculum system, research practice, mentors and students themselves.
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