本文选题:职业学校 切入点:非沪籍学生 出处:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为上海市职业学校的重要组成部分,非沪籍学生引起了全社会越来越广泛的关注,而他(她)们的社会融合问题至关重要,这关系到学生个人的健康成长和社会的和谐稳定。目前,上海市职业学校非沪籍学生分为随迁子女和外省市学生,外省市学生又包括普通外招班学生和对口支援班学生。其中,随迁子女来沪时间较长,对上海的学习和生活等方面较为熟悉,与上海本地生和社会的融合度相对较高,但也不排除不融合的方面;外省市学生(普通外招班学生和对口支援班学生)来沪时间较短,对于上海的一切都比较陌生,必然面临如何与上海本地生和社会相融合的问题。不管怎样,非沪籍学生始终是区别于上海本地生的一个特殊群体,他(她)们或多或少都会面临着社会融合的问题。若非沪籍学生社会融合情况良好,必有益于学生个人和整个社会;若融合情况不好,必将成为社会的一大隐患。基于此,笔者对上海市职业学校非沪籍学生的社会融合问题进行了研究,以期能充分了解这些学生真实的社会融合情况。本论文共有六章,每一章的主要内容可概括如下:第一章,导论。介绍研究背景、综述国内外相关文献研究、呈现本文的研究方案,对核心概念进行界定。第二章,构建上海市职业学校非沪籍学生社会融合研究框架。首先,梳理社会融合研究框架构建的理论基础,包括格林(Andy Green)社会融合模型和詹森(Th.Jansen)公民实践模型。然后,结合本文研究对象的特殊性,构建针对这一群体的社会融合研究框架。第三章,上海市职业学校非沪籍学生社会融合现状调查研究。明确调研目的和调研方案,对385名上海市职业学校非沪籍学生进行问卷调研,在获得调研结果后通过IBM SPSS Statistics 20对其进行量化分析,并从社会融合的四个维度(身份认同维度、人际信任维度、文化认同维度和制度认同维度)呈现量化结果。在此基础上,对调研结果进行合理地分析。第四章,上海市职业学校非沪籍学生社会融合案例研究。首先介绍上海市职业学校三类非沪籍学生的背景信息,然后对其具体的融合情况进行梳理,最后对其融合情况进行分析。第五章,上海市职业学校非沪籍学生社会融合问题对策建议。从职业学校、社区和非沪籍学生三个角度出发,探讨它们应如何做以此促进非沪籍学生的社会融合。第六章,研究反思与展望。总结本文已做工作,从而更好进行后续展望。
[Abstract]:As an important part of Shanghai Vocational School, non-Shanghai students have attracted more and more attention from the whole society, and their social integration is of great importance, which is related to the healthy growth of students and the harmony and stability of the society.At present, the non-Shanghai students of Shanghai Vocational School are divided into children who follow the move and students from other provinces and cities, and students from other provinces and cities also include students of ordinary foreign enrollment classes and students of counterpart support classes.Among them, the children come to Shanghai with a long time, more familiar with Shanghai's study and life, with the Shanghai local students and social integration is relatively high, but do not rule out the integration;The students from other provinces and cities (ordinary foreign students and counterpart support students) come to Shanghai for a short time, which is strange to all of Shanghai, and it is bound to face the problem of how to merge with the local students and the society in Shanghai.In any case, non-Shanghai students are always a special group different from the local students in Shanghai. They are more or less faced with the problem of social integration.If the social integration of Shanghai students is not good, it will benefit the students and the whole society; if the integration is not good, it will become a big hidden trouble of the society.Based on this, the author studies the social integration of non-Shanghai students in Shanghai Vocational School, in order to fully understand the real social integration of these students.There are six chapters in this thesis, the main contents of each chapter can be summarized as follows: chapter one, introduction.This paper introduces the research background, summarizes the domestic and foreign literature research, presents the research plan of this paper, and defines the core concepts.The second chapter, constructs the Shanghai vocational school non-Shanghai student social integration research frame.Firstly, the theoretical basis of the framework of social integration research, including Andy Green's social integration model and Jensen's Th.Jansen 's civil practice model, is introduced.Then, according to the particularity of the research object, the research framework of social integration for this group is constructed.The third chapter, Shanghai vocational school non-Shanghai students social integration investigation and research.A questionnaire survey was conducted among 385 non-Shanghai students in Shanghai Vocational School. The results were analyzed quantitatively by IBM SPSS Statistics 20, and four dimensions of social integration (identity dimension) were analyzed.Interpersonal trust dimension, cultural identity dimension and institutional identity dimension) presents quantitative results.On this basis, the investigation results are analyzed reasonably.The fourth chapter, Shanghai vocational school non-Shanghai students social integration case study.This paper first introduces the background information of three kinds of non-Shanghai students in Shanghai Vocational School, then combs the concrete situation of integration, and finally analyzes the situation of integration.The fifth chapter, Shanghai vocational school non-Shanghai students social integration countermeasures.From the perspectives of vocational school, community and non-Shanghai students, this paper discusses how to promote the social integration of non-Shanghai students.Chapter six, research reflection and prospect.Summary of the work done in this paper, so as to better prospects for follow-up.
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