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发布时间:2018-12-13 18:16
[Abstract]:Medical higher vocational education has gone through more than 20 years of development. Medical colleges and universities have sent a large number of excellent grass-roots talents for the medical and health market of our country. But in recent years, the employment rate of higher vocational colleges of medicine and health has dropped sharply, and the large-scale enrollment expansion of ordinary colleges and universities has made it more difficult for them to run schools. In view of this, national and local governments have issued a series of targeted policies and reform measures. Based on the theory of strategic management, this paper analyzes the macro environment, industry environment, resources and ability of Xingtai Medical College, and puts forward the corresponding development strategy combining with the development goal and vision of the school. The framework of the article is as follows: the first chapter introduces the research background, research object and research purpose, and gives a brief description of the research ideas and methods. The second chapter gives a brief review of the relevant theories and analysis tools of strategic management; The third chapter analyzes the external environment faced by Xingtai Medical College, and obtains the evaluation matrix of external environmental factors, the fourth chapter studies the internal resources, advantages and disadvantages of Xingtai Medical College, and obtains the evaluation matrix of internal environmental factors. The fifth chapter further uses the SWOT analysis tool, unifies the school development mission and the vision, proposed the Xingtai medical college future development strategy, the sixth chapter carries on the exploration to the Xingtai medical college future development strategy concrete implementation and the related safeguard measure; In the last chapter, the main conclusions of the thesis are summarized and reviewed, and the limitations and shortcomings of the thesis are pointed out. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: the external environment of Xingtai Medical College not only brings the opportunity of expanding demand, policy support and good material security, but also the threat of fierce intra-industry competition, limited industry training mode and poor funding channels. The internal resource advantage of the school is reflected in the organizational culture of sufficient teachers, good local relations and striving for reality, and at the same time, there are also low levels, weak brands and small scale development weaknesses. The school should base itself on the place, make clear the orientation, create the unique campus brand, open up the innovative financing channel, and establish the talent innovation training mode. In the process of implementing the strategy, the medical college should create the specialty with characteristics, develop the pluralistic financing system, build the fine items and persist in the brand innovation. In the system reform, teacher building, employment guidance, laboratory setup and other aspects of strengthening security.


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