[Abstract]:In China, the modern apprenticeship system, which is characterized by "double subject" double handle "and" double identity ", is still in the initial stage of exploration and has not yet been regulated from the system. At present, whether the modern apprenticeship system in our country should take the road of enterprise-oriented or school-based is still a question worth thinking about. The development experience of modern apprenticeship in the West shows that in terms of cultural tradition and the willingness of enterprises to participate in vocational education, China is more likely to implement the "supply-oriented" or "low enterprise cooperation and high school integration" apprenticeship system. At the same time, the participation of enterprises in the modern apprenticeship system in the acquisition of technical talents, preferential policies and financial subsidies, as well as the establishment of a good image in the industry has shown a clear lack of power. Because of its traditional advantages, the realistic needs of survival and development, and the practical experience of various forms of modern apprenticeship system in various provinces, regions and vocational colleges, schools show obvious advantages in the implementation of modern apprenticeship system. At the present stage, our country needs to conform to the trend, guide the situation, establish the strategy of the modern apprenticeship system dominated by schools, and take the road of the modern apprenticeship system based on the school standard.
【作者单位】: 天津大学教育学院;
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