[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the speed of knowledge renewal and the frequent changes of occupations, the talent market will no longer meet the needs of workers with only one skill; With the adjustment of industrial structure and the improvement of market economy, it will lead to the flow of workers' work, and with the appearance of learning society, vocational education will accompany the whole process of professional development. All these will make the workers of the future society need to have a broad intellectual foundation, strong learning ability, those who inculcate knowledge mainly, or simply emphasize skills and practical knowledge of the traditional teaching has been stretched. At the same time, the problem of survival is the theme of the times, vocational education is the opening of the real existence of human beings, but the real vocational education has forgotten the real existence of human beings. The traditional vocational education curriculum is a kind of real vocational education view. The object of vocational education is regarded as "robot". Under the guidance of this kind of vocational education view, the educational practice pursues the aim of utilitarian education and discipline the course content with "occupation". Vocational school life lacks vitality and vitality. Vocational education forgets people's life world, indifferent people's survival significance and pursuit, alienates student's individual survival, ignores the vocational education's Noumenon function. The value orientation of the reform of secondary vocational education under the thought of lifelong education is to lay the foundation for the professional career of the educatee, and try to change the traditional "knowledge center" education into the "human self-improvement" education of sustainable development. Through the mobilization of individual learning consciousness, the cultivation of learning habits and the continuous improvement of learning ability, the learning-oriented society facing the new era of knowledge economy is constructed. Furthermore, it is necessary to discuss the value of vocational education from the original existence, which has important theoretical value and practical significance in guiding the development direction of vocational education, improving the quality of vocational education and constructing the basic theory of vocational education. France is at present the initiator and effective implementer of these two theories. At the same time, both China and France are two influential powers in the world, both from the historical and contemporary perspectives. As an important part of the historical heritage and contemporary society, the secondary vocational education of the two countries shows many similarities and differences. Based on this, on the basis of studying and analyzing the curriculum reform of secondary vocational education in France in the 21st century, and drawing lessons from the advanced curriculum reform ideas and practical experience of France, this paper puts forward the idea of speeding up the curriculum reform of secondary vocational education in China. The thesis consists of three parts: the first part: the basic theory. It includes the reasons of the first chapter, the definition of the concept and the theoretical basis, the second chapter, the development and practical needs of the curriculum reform of secondary vocational education in France under the international and domestic background. The third chapter summarizes the reform of the secondary vocational education curriculum in France in the 21 st century and the author's investigation and analysis. The second part: the analysis of reform. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the characteristics and measures of the curriculum reform of secondary vocational education in France, including the shortcomings found in the reform and the difficulties faced. The third part: inspiration and countermeasures. The fifth chapter analyzes the problems and causes of the secondary vocational education curriculum in our country, draws lessons from the experience of France, puts forward the ideas and countermeasures for the reform of the secondary vocational education curriculum in our country, and expresses the author's view of vocational education curriculum concerned about the survival and development of human beings.
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