[Abstract]:As vocational colleges and universities enter the stage of "implicit" development and construction, it is the best way to break through the dilemma of specialty construction in vocational colleges and universities by drawing on the concept of "cluster" of economic industrial cluster for the practical needs of the reform of professional construction. However, in the process of construction, the main body's understanding of the professional group is not in place, which hinders the development of its advantages and benefits. Many scholars believe that the professional group is a resource integration activity aimed at improving the level of professional construction. It should be understood as a system containing all kinds of teaching resources as well as an organizational system. Therefore, how to integrate the teaching resources of professional groups has become the core and focus of many problems in the construction of professional groups. On the other hand, the contradiction between supply and demand between vocational education in our country is increasingly prominent. Scholars should change the focus of research from exogeny of resources to endogeny of resources, and school administrators should also change their focus of work from absorption of resources to integration of resources. Therefore, the research on the integration of teaching resources is very important and urgent for vocational colleges with shortage of resources. Based on the above-mentioned logical coupling, this study focuses on the teaching resource system of the professional group, using the case study method, taking self-organization and system theory as the main research perspectives. The full text runs through the static theory carding and the connotation interpretation and the dynamic system analysis and the optimization strategy two clues to carry on the related research, attempts to carry on the system analysis to the specialized group, takes the specialized group teaching resources integration subsystem as the research focus, In order to provide a new train of thought and enlightenment for professional group construction and professional group teaching resources integration. The main content includes the following aspects: introduction: mainly including the question, the definition of the core concept, literature review, research design and ideas, as well as the purpose and significance of the research, and so on. The first part: theoretical basis and connotation interpretation. Through combing the core basic points of view of cluster theory, resource integration theory and system theory, in order to better interpret the substantive connotation of the research theme, mainly including the concept of industrial cluster, industrial cluster theory of important arguments, New resource view and resource integration theory as well as system self-organization characteristics and so on. Part two: systematic analysis. System is a universal feature of nature, society and thinking. The integration of teaching resources of professional groups in higher vocational colleges is actually a system engineering. It is not only a subsystem in the construction of professional groups in higher vocational colleges, but also a complete system and composed of several subsystems. It is inevitable to interpret the professional group and the integration of its teaching resources systematically. The specific content is divided into the following three dimensions: firstly, from the macro point of view, we explore the organizational characteristics and organizational development process characteristics of the professional group system, and then, from the medium point of view, grasp the elements of the professional group system and the relationship between the elements. Finally, from the microcosmic level, the structure and function of the professional group subsystem-the professional group teaching resource system are mainly understood. Part three: case study. Focusing on the microelectronics technology specialty group of A school in Chongqing, this paper analyzes the achievements and shortcomings in the organization and management of the professional group and the integration of teaching resources. It includes: how to set up the professional group, how to organize and manage the teaching resources of the professional group, how to integrate the teaching resources of the professional group and so on. Part four: system optimization. Based on the systematic analysis, this part puts forward the basic principles of the integration of professional group teaching resources, and puts forward the optimization strategy of the specialized group teaching resources integration system, that is, to optimize the external environment and adjust the internal structure.
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