[Abstract]:Moral education is the main channel of moral education in secondary vocational schools, which plays a very important role in the whole curriculum system of secondary vocational schools. From the current situation of moral education teaching, although the teaching methods and methods have been reformed to a certain extent, it is still difficult to get rid of the traditional teaching method, there are some problems such as pertinence in teaching, and the effectiveness of teaching is not strong. It can not meet the new requirements of moral education teaching under the new situation. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the reform of the teaching methods and methods of moral education in secondary vocational schools. The project teaching method takes the student as the main body, the teacher as the leading factor, highlights the practice education, the experience education and the cultivation education for the students, which accords with the new measures put forward for the training mode and the training goal of the secondary vocational school students at present.
【作者单位】: 福建省福州商贸职业中专学校;
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