本文选题:幼儿教师 切入点:职业形象 出处:《华东师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Today, with the vigorous development of preschool education, the high wastage rate of preschool teachers has become an urgent problem to be solved.However, the public and teachers' own views and understandings on the profession of preschool teachers have an important impact on the sense of professional belonging and professional commitment of preschool teachers.In the past, researchers mainly studied the explicit image of preschool teachers. This study draws lessons from the research paradigm of implicit image, explores the implicit image of preschool teachers in the eyes of the public and teachers themselves, and compares it with explicit images.To explore the social causes of this social phenomenon and put forward the feasible ways to solve it.This paper is divided into two studies. The first is to explore the implicit cognitive structure of preschool teachers, the public and parents. The results show that the public and parents lack a deep understanding of early childhood teachers.The knowledge stays in the aspect of personal characteristics; the preschool teachers themselves have rich understanding of the profession and pay more attention to the working state and personal accomplishment.The second study was to study the implicit image and explicit image of preschool teacher and their similarities and differences. The implicit image was studied by implicit priming method, and the explicit image was studied by explicit questionnaire.The results show that the implicit and explicit attitudes of the public and preschool teachers are both positive in terms of their personal characteristics, and that in the aspect of working status, the explicit attitude of the public is positive, but the implicit attitude is negative, whereas the teachers are just the opposite.Implicit shows positive attitude, while explicit has no obvious attitude tendency, showing both positive words and negative words agree.This study finds that the negative attitude of preschool teachers towards the profession is mainly due to negative external evaluation. Therefore, deepening the public understanding and understanding of kindergarten teachers is the main way to solve the plight of kindergarten teachers.Based on this, the researchers put forward the following suggestions: 1) Teachers should make their parents more aware of their work status in their communication and interaction with their parents. (2) reduce negative media publicity for kindergarten teachers.Film and TV works, such as documentaries, which show the daily work of preschool teachers, make use of the new media platform, and teachers make their own voices, so that the public can understand the profession better.
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