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发布时间:2019-07-24 15:41
[Abstract]:The kindergarten education is the basic activity of the game, and the performance game is a creative game which is popular by the children. The summary of the performance game is that the performance game is the game of creative performance according to the characters, the plot and the language in the fairy tale and the story. In short, the performance game is the game activity of the young children with the story as the clue. Because the performance game must be based on the understanding of the literature and art works and some role-playing experience, less experience and ability are lacking in the small-class children's life, because the performance game plays an important role in its development. Can a small class carry out a thematic play? We find the appropriate theme content choice, to understand the work to promote the performance of the performance, the flexible innovation, the life experience migration and so on can promote the performance of the small-class children to perform the game, make the performance game really promote the children's happy and independent development!
【作者单位】: 江苏省常州市雕庄中心幼儿园;


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