[Abstract]:Based on the perspective of educational phenomenology and its methodology, with the help of six cases obtained from natural observation, this study presents the phenomenon of children violating the rules through "suspension". After "restoration", it is found that children usually have the following manifestations when violating the rules: willing to obtain punishment, dissatisfied with the "rules" formulated by teachers, temporarily succumbing to the authority of teachers, leaving the scope of teachers' sight, challenging the authority of teachers, and so on. Its educational significance is worthy of reflection. In order to promote the healthy development of young children, kindergarten teachers should understand the real purpose of children violating the rules and meet their "unrealistic" reasonable aspirations; they should help children to achieve "consistent words and deeds", internalize the rules and create an attractive environment; they should have insight into the true attitude of young children after violating the rules, correct unreasonable rules and deal with emergencies flexibly; they should treat children who violate the rules rationally for the sake of others.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学教育科学学院;山东师范大学教育学院;
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