[Abstract]:Social Network Analysis (Social Network) is a popular social science research theory in recent years. The theory holds that society is composed not only of individuals but also of networks, abstracting actors (individuals, cities or countries) into points, and the relationships of actors into lines. The analysis of social network analyzes the actors and relationships of the real society by discussing the structure and characteristics of the network. In the new period, China's economic development has come to a transition period, the national urban system should be reprogrammed. From 2010 to now, the state has successively approved eight national central cities, which are the highest level in China's urban system as proposed in the outline of the National Urban system Planning. Selection criteria mainly focus on its impact on the size of the domestic. The construction of the national central city is to plan the development of China in the next 20-50 years from the strategic level, so the selection of the national central city becomes a particularly important task. This paper first introduces the analysis method of social network, and then, by introducing the economic gravity model between cities, analyzes the top 98 cities of China's GDP in 2016, and finally selects four central cities, which provide suggestions for the construction of national urban system.
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