[Abstract]:In order to improve the scientificity and rationality of the method of determining the highest yield per unit yield and the highest production-cost index in the grade of agricultural land, based on the theory of decreasing land returns, the paper applies the input-output survey data of agricultural land grading in Henan Province. The yield per unit area of wheat (kg/hm~2) is taken as the total yield (vertical coordinate) in the decline curve of land return, and the input of unit area of wheat (Yuan / hm~2) in the sample point is taken as the total input (horizontal coordinate) in the decline curve of land return. Thus, the average production (kg/) in the theory of land return decline has the same connotation as the production-cost index. According to the change of marginal yield curve, the maximum yield is determined in two kinds of cases: 1) the marginal yield curve shows a downward trend, but the marginal yield is still greater than 0 if not intersected with the horizontal coordinate axis. The yield at the right end of the yield curve is the highest yield. 2) when the marginal output curve intersects the horizontal coordinate axis downward, that is, the marginal output decreases to 0, the output corresponding to the intersection point between the marginal production curve and the horizontal coordinate axis is the highest yield per unit yield. According to the relationship between production-cost index and marginal output, the maximum production-cost index can be determined: the production-cost index is the highest production-cost index, which intersects the marginal yield curve upward. A modified method of abnormal production-cost index is established. The difference between the highest yield per unit yield and the maximum production-cost index determined by the research data and the validation data is 0.12 and 0.50 respectively, which indicates that the highest yield per unit yield and the highest production-cost index determined by the research method are relatively stable. This study provides a theoretical basis for determining the highest yield per unit yield and maximum production-cost index, and enriches the connotation of land use coefficient and land economic coefficient.
【作者单位】: 河南省科学院地理研究所;
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