[Abstract]:In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization and the increase of urban population, the public demand for infrastructure is increasing. How to improve the infrastructure construction as soon as possible to meet the needs of people's daily life has become a concern of the government all the time. Generally speaking, infrastructure has a certain public welfare, most of which are organized and managed by government departments, and this kind of project generally has the characteristics of large investment amount, long cycle, high risk coefficient and high operating cost. At present, China is in a period of rapid development of urbanization, infrastructure construction is facing great financial pressure, the shortcomings of the traditional government-led financing model began to be gradually exposed. On the one hand, infrastructure construction needs a lot of funds, on the other hand, the traditional financing model can not meet the needs of infrastructure projects. The PPP pattern can solve these problems. However, due to the large scale of infrastructure projects and the long construction and operation cycle, there will always be some problems in the construction and operation of the project. In order to make the PPP project run smoothly, it is necessary to refinance the infrastructure PPP project. Generally speaking, infrastructure PPP project refinancing refers to the adjustment of financing conditions and financing instruments after the completion of PPP project financing. The refinancing behavior of these PPP projects is often affected by interest rates, market demand fluctuations, inflation and other factors, so it is necessary to analyze these factors and put forward countermeasures when refinancing infrastructure PPP projects. To ensure the smooth operation of the infrastructure PPP project. Based on the factors that affect the refinancing of infrastructure PPP projects, this paper constructs a refinancing mechanism and makes a deep analysis of the refinancing of infrastructure PPP projects. The main content of this paper is divided into five departments. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the research background, significance and research ideas of infrastructure PPP project refinancing. The second part is an overview of infrastructure PPP project refinancing, which introduces the definition of PPP and the background of PPP model in detail, so as to introduce the infrastructure PPP project when the external environment changes. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the project, it is necessary to refinance the project. Then the definition of infrastructure PPP project refinancing is clearly given, and it is pointed out that the research in this paper is based on the narrow definition of PPP project refinancing, that is, the refinancing under the condition that the loan ratio of the project is constant. Then it analyzes the way of refinancing infrastructure PPP project, the reasons and the specific refinancing process. The third part analyzes the influencing factors of infrastructure PPP project refinancing, including inflation, interest rate, market demand and so on. The fourth chapter is the decision-making mechanism of infrastructure PPP project refinancing, according to the different influencing factors and with the help of financial instrument options to analyze how infrastructure PPP projects should be refinanced under the influence of each specific factor. The application of refinancing is explained concretely. The fifth part of the case analysis, combined with the specific actual case-Monghua Railway PPP project refinancing analysis, the above analysis of the various influencing factors of the decision-making mechanism applied to the actual, which provides a reference for the later operation of the project. Through the research, this paper holds that the option model designed has certain significance for the refinancing of infrastructure PPP projects. However, due to the limited experience of the author, the distribution of benefits obtained after the refinancing of infrastructure PPP projects has not been deeply studied in this paper. The author will continue to enrich and improve the research of this paper through the study and practice in this field.
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