本文关键词:辽宁省城乡社会医疗保险制度统筹研究 出处:《辽宁大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of medical insurance for urban workers, the full implementation of the medical insurance for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical system of the three basic medical insurance system, China has gradually established a universal health insurance system. It not only improves the national ability to resist the risk of disease, but also improve the medical insurance service system. But the main problem facing the current medical insurance system in China, which is the division between urban and rural areas is serious. With the rapid progress of the economy, two urban and rural medical insurance system exposed more and more problems, all kinds of medical insurance system and the deposit insurance has been unable to meet the demand. Therefore, to eliminate the unfair phenomenon of medical insurance, medical insurance urban and rural areas is imminent. To protect basic, multi-level, full coverage of the policy, the comprehensive construction of medical security system covering both urban and rural residents in Liaoning Province medical. Insurance as the research object, on the basis of the quantitative analysis, the domestic medical insurance model, and use the related economic knowledge of current situation of medical insurance system in Liaoning province were analyzed, at the same time try to medical insurance system the main framework of measurement for Liaoning province. This paper is divided into seven chapters: Introduction: the main topics including the background, significance, research status, research methods and research contents. The first chapter introduces the related concepts and theoretical basis. Mainly on several important concepts to define the connotation and extension of the theory of survival fairness between urban and rural residents, labor reproduction theory, the medical insurance system and theory analysis. The second chapter described analyzing the present situation and problems of urban and rural medical insurance in Liaoning province. The Liaoning Province medical insurance for urban workers, urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical insurance operation. The system application situation, and focus on the analysis of existing problems. The third chapter: analysis of influence factors of urban and rural medical insurance. From the economic development, the income gap between urban and rural residents, the allocation of health resources and health care system for transferring the regional differences of four parts were analyzed. The fourth chapter: according to the overall design of the urban and rural medical insurance system in Liaoning Province, from the basic ideas, described in detail the basic principles and specific content. The fifth chapter: the feasibility analysis of urban and rural medical insurance system in Liaoning province. The sixth chapter puts forward feasible policy suggestions and adjustment mechanism based on theoretical calculation.
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