本文选题:经营绩效 + 盈利能力 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:自1980年,三十年来,在推动改革开放的过程中,中国的保险行业取得了巨大的成就,中国平安于1988年成立,逐步成长为世界500强企业,寿险和产险保费收入都排在国内第二的集保险,银行,投资的金融集团,经营能力和管理水平不断的提高。未来的中国平安将是以保险,银行,投资为主体,追求长期,稳定,健康发展,以创建各利益相关集团可持续增长的价值为目标,并成长为国际领先的综合金融服务集团。超过8,000万的平安客户,通过平安统一的品牌,接受保险、银行、投资等全方位并且个性化的金融产品以及服务。截止到2012年12月31日,平安旗下的资产达人民币2.8万亿元,是中国第一大的保险集团。 企业的经营绩效是一个企业管理的核心,与整个企业的经营与发展有着密不可分的关系。本文的意义在于建立了一套保险集团的评价体系,并通过对整个平安集团各个指标的分析,以及横向比较保险行业的其他集团的经营状况,了解到平安在整个保险行业中所处的位置,发现自身的优势与不足,并提出改进意见。 本文首先建立起了一套适合保险集团的评价指标体系和综合评价的理论模型。然后查找中国平安以及各保险集团的各年的经营资料,,按照指标体系的指导找到所需要的指标数值,在描述统计的基础上,在SPSS软件的帮助下,在理论模型的指导下,具体分析和综合分析相结合,全面的反映出中国平安的经营状况和其在行业中所处的位置,并结合分析结果,分析优势与不足,作出自己的结论和建议。 本文一共分为以下五个部分: 首先是绪论。本章主要介绍本论文的问题的提出及其意义,研究的方法和内容等。具体介绍了为什么要写这篇文章,写这篇文章的意义是什么,采取什么样的方法,研究了怎么样的内容,是对文章框架的一个总体性的概括。方便读者了解到文章的梗概。 第一章写的是保险集团经营绩效评价指标体系及保险集团绩效综合评价方法。本章从保险集团的角度出发,以财务的视角,确定设立评价绩效指标的原则和标准,并在原则和标准的指导下,找到合适评价保险集团绩效的指标:规模实力指标,盈利能力指标,偿付能力指标和发展能力指标,建立起适合保险集团的评价指标体系。然后使用因子分析的方法,结合统计方面的理论,找到综合评价保险集团绩效的具体评价方法。 第二章写的是中国平安经营绩效现状分析及同行业经营绩效综合评价。本章主要是在第一章的指标体系和理论指导下,从中国平安的资产规模,偿付能力,盈利能力,发展等方面对中国平安进行描述统计分析,最后采用因子分析方法对中国平安以及其他保险集团作出比较以及评分。 第三章写的是中国平安经营存在的主要问题及成因分析。本章主要是根据上一章的结果,找出中国平安存在的问题并发现其中的原因。 第四章结论及对策建议。本章是一个总结,对平安的经营提出自己的浅见。 本文主要特色和创新在以下几个方面:第一,建立合适的原则与标准,按照原则标准设立指标体系;第二,指标选取全面,全面的评估保险集团的经营绩效;第三,通过采用因子分析法,并利用SPSS软件进行计算分析,进行具体的定量分析,使分析结果更具有科学性和可信性。 本文的主要不足体现在以下几个方面:第一,限于个人的知识水平,对整个保险行业的了解不够深入;第二,有些指标的选取因为数据原因没能实现。
[Abstract]:Since 1980 , in the course of promoting the reform and opening - up , China ' s insurance industry has made great achievements . China ' s peace is established in 1988 . China ' s insurance industry has gradually grown into the world ' s top 500 companies , and its life insurance and insurance premium income have been improved continuously . The future China ' s peace will be an all - round and personalized financial product and services of insurance , banking and investment . More than 80 million Ping - Ping customers , through peaceful reunification , accept insurance , banking , investment and other comprehensive and personalized financial products and services . By December 31 , 2012 , Ping An ' s assets amounted to RMB 280 trillion yuan , which is the first big insurance group in China .
The business performance of an enterprise is the core of an enterprise management , and has a close relationship with the operation and development of the whole enterprise . The significance of this paper is to establish a set of insurance group ' s evaluation system , and to understand the position of Ping An in the whole insurance industry through the analysis of the various indexes of the whole safety group and compare the operating conditions of other groups in the insurance industry .
This paper first establishes a set of theoretical models suitable for the insurance group ' s evaluation index system and comprehensive evaluation , then finds out the safety of China and the operation data of each insurance group , and finds the required index value according to the guidance of the index system . Based on the descriptive statistics , with the help of SPSS software , under the guidance of the theory model , the concrete analysis and comprehensive analysis are combined to comprehensively reflect the operation condition of China ' s Ping An and its position in the industry , and combine the analysis result , analyze the advantages and shortcomings , and make its own conclusions and recommendations .
This article is divided into the following five parts :
The first is Introduction . This chapter mainly introduces the present paper ' s questions and its significance , the methods and contents of the study . The article introduces why the article is to be written , what the meaning of this article is , what kind of method it is , how to study the content , is an overview of the article ' s framework .
In the first chapter , it is a comprehensive evaluation method for the performance evaluation index system of insurance group and the performance comprehensive evaluation method of insurance group . In this chapter , according to the angle of insurance group , the principles and standards of setting up the evaluation performance index are established , and the indicators of the performance of insurance group are found under the guidance of principles and standards : the scale strength index , profitability index , solvency index and development capacity index , and the evaluation index system suitable for insurance group is established .
The second chapter deals with the analysis of the current situation of China ' s safe operation performance and the comprehensive evaluation of the performance of the same industry . This chapter mainly analyzes the safety of China from aspects of asset scale , solvency , profitability and development of Ping An in China under the guidance of the index system and theory of Chapter 1 . Finally , this chapter compares and scores China ' s Ping An and other insurance groups by factor analysis method .
Chapter three deals with the main problems and causes of the safe operation of China . This chapter is mainly based on the results of the previous chapter , and finds out the causes of the problems in China ' s peaceful existence .
Chapter four conclusions and suggestions on countermeasures . This chapter is a summary , and puts forward its own views on the operation of peace .
The main characteristics and innovations of this paper are as follows : First , establish the appropriate principles and standards , set up the index system according to the principle standard ;
Secondly , the index selection is comprehensive and comprehensive to evaluate the operation performance of the insurance group ;
Third , by using the factor analysis method , and using SPSS software to carry on the calculation analysis , carry on the concrete quantitative analysis , make the analysis result more scientific and credibility .
The main deficiencies in this paper are as follows : Firstly , the knowledge level of the individual is limited , and the understanding of the whole insurance industry is not enough ;
Second , some of the indicators are selected for reasons of data failure .
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