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发布时间:2018-05-03 18:11

  本文选题:激励机制 + 产权激励 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Incentive mechanism, also known as incentive system, is through a set of rational systems, reflecting the interaction between the incentive subject and the incentive object. The connotation of the incentive mechanism is the elements of all aspects of the incentive system. The incentive mechanism is not only an important aspect of the management and management of the company, but also the motivator and the staff. The important way of work is the important lever of the modern enterprise to realize the sustainable development. The incentive mechanism of China's property insurance company refers to the motivation of the Chinese property insurance company to stimulate the potential of the employees (managers and ordinary employees) under the guidance of the concept of balance of interests, and promote the consistency of the interest demands of the company and the employees, and promote the promotion of the interests of the company and the employees. A variety of incentive systems, measures and methods developed jointly by the company and the employees. Among them, the incentive subject is the company; the incentive object is the employee (the manager and the ordinary employee): the guiding ideology is the balance between the interests of the Chinese property insurance companies, the shareholders, the employees and the customers. The three stages of the development of the Chinese property insurance company, respectively, reflect the Chinese wealth. Insurance companies have different incentive mechanisms with the characteristics of the times. This paper uses theoretical research, qualitative and quantitative analysis, case law and other research methods to point out the main problems existing in the incentive mechanism of modern Chinese property insurance companies, and according to the existing theory of agency, property rights theory, externality theory, performance theory, and other theories, will benefit from the theory of the current theory of agency, the theory of property rights, the theory of externality, and the theory of performance. The concept of balance is carried out in every system design of the incentive mechanism. On this basis, the five construction system of incentive mechanism of China Property Insurance Company is put forward in order to benefit the incentive mechanism of Chinese property insurance company. This paper is divided into seven parts. The first part is divided into the introduction part. And significance, research methods, literature review and research innovation and deficiency. The second part is the summary of incentive mechanism of China property insurance company. It introduces the connotation and extension of incentive mechanism, compares the incentive mechanism between the property insurance company and the life insurance company, and the comparison between the incentive mechanism of the company and the property insurance company, and the comparison between the incentive mechanism of the company and the property insurance company. The connotation and extension of incentive mechanism of China Property Insurance Company is determined. The third part is the current incentive system and main problems of incentive mechanism of China property insurance company. It introduces the course of incentive mechanism of China property insurance company, the main problems existing in the current incentive mechanism and incentive mechanism, and points out the public property insurance public in China. The fourth part is the objective principle and the content of building the incentive mechanism of China property insurance company. The theory and principle of the construction of China property insurance company incentive mechanism are introduced, and the theory of constructing the incentive mechanism of China Property Insurance Company is introduced, and the theory of building the theory of the incentive mechanism of China Property Insurance Company is introduced. The fifth part is the construction of the incentive mechanism of China property insurance company. It introduces the construction of the incentive mechanism of China property insurance company, the construction of the existing property rights incentive mechanism, the construction of the performance salary system and the construction of the career vision. The sixth part is the incentive machine for the Chinese property insurance company. The risk management control and assessment system. Introduce the construction of the risk management system, the role of the incentive mechanism, the construction of the assessment management system and the relationship with the incentive mechanism. The seventh part is the conclusion and the prospect part. Through this article, we hope to arouse the reflection on the incentive mechanism of the Chinese property insurance company. On the limited level, the research on the construction of incentive mechanism is not enough, and it needs continuous study and practice. We hope to put forward the system design which is more suitable for the incentive mechanism of Chinese property insurance companies and contribute a little to the development of China's property insurance companies.



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