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发布时间:2018-05-28 05:12

  本文选题:经济转型 + 农村养老 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:以工业化、城市化、信息化、全球化为主流的发展导向对欠发达地区政府治理带来巨大的冲击。从财政管理角度看,政府要建立起既体现社会公平又能激发工作热情的养老保障制度模式非常困难。我国社会保障体系建设本身起步晚,且农村养老问题长期未受到应有的重视。中央加快推进社会主义新农村建设的决定为实现城乡一体化社会养老奠定了基础。我国农村老年人口需求千差万别,因此在养老模式选择上也要因地制宜。作为西部经济欠发达省份,甘肃的情况既与全国有类似之处,又存在着特殊现象,社会经济的转型加快了农村人口不断向城镇转移,同时也造成了农村地区人口老龄化程度不断提高,对农村社会养老保险的财务可持续性提出了挑战。这些都无疑增强了研究甘肃农村养老保险的持续性问题的现实意义。 本文首先系统地总结了国内外在农村养老保险管理方面的成熟经验,然后综合分析加以吸收利用并提出现阶段完善我国农村养老保障体系建设的政策建议;在以实证法分析甘肃农村养老保险财务可持续性时,强化了政府公共价值取向,分析了经济转型可能对农村养老保险政策带来的影响,并通过建立代际账户的方式,测算了全省新农保资金缺口,从而提出要逐步转变财政支出结构,加大公共财政在农村养老建设方面的投入力度,并在此基础上,通过积极、合理的入市运作,实现农村养老金可持续发展。
[Abstract]:With industrialization, urbanization, information, globalization as the mainstream of the development of the less-developed areas of government governance brought a huge impact. From the point of view of financial management, it is very difficult for the government to establish an old-age security system that embodies both social equity and work enthusiasm. The construction of social security system in our country started late, and the problem of rural old-age support has not received due attention for a long time. The central government's decision to speed up the construction of a new socialist countryside has laid a foundation for the realization of urban and rural integration. The needs of the rural elderly population vary widely, so the choice of pension mode should be adapted to local conditions. As an underdeveloped province in the west of China, Gansu has a similar situation to the whole country, but also a special phenomenon. The social and economic transformation has accelerated the continuous transfer of rural population to cities and towns. At the same time, the aging degree of population in rural areas is increasing, which challenges the financial sustainability of rural social endowment insurance. All of these have undoubtedly enhanced the realistic significance of studying the sustainability of rural endowment insurance in Gansu province. This paper firstly summarizes the mature experience of rural old-age insurance management at home and abroad, and then comprehensively analyzes and uses it and puts forward some policy suggestions to improve the construction of rural old-age security system in China at this stage. In the analysis of the financial sustainability of rural old-age insurance in Gansu Province by empirical method, this paper strengthens the government's public value orientation, analyzes the possible impact of economic transformation on rural old-age insurance policy, and sets up an intergenerational account. This paper calculates the fund gap of new rural insurance in the whole province, and puts forward that we should gradually change the structure of financial expenditure, increase the investment of public finance in rural old-age care construction, and on this basis, through actively and reasonably entering the market, To realize the sustainable development of rural pension.


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