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发布时间:2018-10-23 16:05
[Abstract]:Research background and objective: there is a close relationship between birth insurance and basic medical insurance, especially in the part of medical expenses of birth insurance, which is generally regarded as a sub-item of medical insurance abroad. At present, in order to deal with the problem of aging and low fertility rate, the "comprehensive" two-child policy is liberalized, and the birth insurance system is faced with the problem of second-child birth, which is also a challenge. Therefore, the country initiated the birth insurance and the worker basic medical insurance merge to carry out the pilot, for the two insurance complete conformity explores the road. Two insurance amalgamation, unified attend to protect register, unified fund collection and management, unified medical treatment service management, unified administration and information service, worker birth insurance treatment does not change during birth. Through the integration of two insurance funds and management resources, the combination of the two insurance risks expands the scope of insurance participation, strengthens the mutual aid ability of the funds, improves the utilization rate of the fertility insurance funds, enhances the comprehensive efficiency of management, and reduces the operating cost of the management. However, we should also see that some problems related to the birth insurance system can not be solved through merger. Through the study of these problems, this paper tries to find some feasible ways to improve the birth insurance system and to solve the related problems. Research methods: this paper mainly adopts literature research method and comparative analysis method. On the one hand, in the early stage, this paper used books, the Internet and so on to consult a lot of materials, including the policy of the birth insurance system, the views of relevant scholars and experts, the latest social reviews, academic journal papers, statistics, reports, etc. For the first part of the paper the birth insurance system research to do a solid theoretical support and data preparation. On the other hand, by comparing the situation before and after the birth insurance amalgamation in China's fertility insurance pilot areas, and by comparing the birth insurance systems in different countries, we can find out the methods and experiences that can be used for reference. Research content: this paper starts with the theoretical basis of birth insurance, and paves the way for putting forward the related problems and countermeasures of our country's birth insurance system. The relevant concepts are defined so that readers can better understand the central point of this paper. Then, the article introduces the birth insurance system of foreign countries, and sums up the experience of foreign countries. Thirdly, it introduces the establishment and present situation of birth insurance in China. Then, the author analyzes the remaining problems of the birth insurance system incorporated into medical insurance in our country. Finally, based on the summary of the full text, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as establishing the policy of encouraging the birth insurance corresponding to the birth insurance system, introducing relevant laws to protect women's employment, strengthening personal responsibility, and establishing a system of actuarial balance. Innovation: the innovation of this paper is that under the superposition of "two risks" and "two children", it is of positive significance for the further reform and development of the birth insurance system to discuss the related problems of birth insurance in the new stage.


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