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发布时间:2018-02-15 00:37

  本文关键词: 房地产开发项目 风险分析 风险评价 出处:《长春工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of our economy, the real estate industry has become a very important industry. However, because the real estate project is characterized by large investment and long period, it will be affected by many external environmental factors in the process of development. Many factors are beyond control, developers inevitably face various risks. Because the real estate market management in our country started relatively late, the level of risk management is not high. Coupled with the lack of awareness of risk among investors in the process of investment and development, this has greatly increased the risk of real estate projects. In recent years, China has increased its efforts in macroeconomic regulation and control over the real estate industry. Therefore, risk identification, risk analysis, risk response, risk control, so that the enterprise can better manage the risk and effectively control the risk in the process of risk management. This is very important for investors. This paper applies the theory of project risk management, selects Longxiang residence real estate project as the research object, combines the internal and external environment of Longxiang residence project and the characteristics of the project itself. From the project investment decision stage, early preparation stage, project construction stage and project rental stage, the paper analyzes the risks in the development and construction of Longxiang residence real estate project, and uses the methods of risk identification and risk assessment. At the same time, the paper expounds the concept and process of risk management, introduces the steps and methods of risk analysis and evaluation, and uses break-even method. The sensitivity analysis method is used to analyze the real estate project of Longxiang Mansion to find out the risk factors in the project, and then the risk countermeasures are worked out for the investment decision-making stage, the early preparation stage, the project construction stage and the lease and sale stage, respectively. Finally, it is suggested that risk monitoring should be carried out in the whole process of the project in order to feedback information in time in the risk control of Longxiang residence real estate project, to avoid or reduce the occurrence of risk. In this paper, Through the scientific method to carry on the risk identification, the risk estimation and the appraisal to each stage of the Longxiang residence real estate project, and proposed the concrete measure of the risk management, finally made the conclusion and the prospect, Hope that the results of the study can provide a certain reference and reference for the real estate industry in China.


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