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发布时间:2018-02-14 22:25

  本文关键词: 荷载裂缝 不同楼层施工进度 多层模板支撑体系 混凝土早期强度 混凝土早期弹性模量 出处:《青岛理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国经济和社会发展水平的不断提升,房地产市场迅猛发展,高层住宅如雨后春笋般出现。现浇混凝土结构是工业与民用建筑中普遍采用的结构形式,然而现浇楼板的裂缝就成为一项经常发生的工程质量通病,并成为近几年来工程质量投诉的热点问题。地产开发商为了快速回笼资金,要求加快施工进度,施工单位为了降低工程的成本,加快施工速度。住宅楼层的施工周期一定,为了完成工程进度,不可避免的出现施工工序交叉现象,工序交叉引起施工荷载叠加。楼板混凝土养护时间很短,楼层就开始上载,混凝土早期强度低,承受荷载的能力差,容易出现荷载裂缝。现有的结构设计规范对裂缝的研究仅限于养护28天的混凝土,没有研究施工过程中荷载作用产生的裂缝。在施工过程中,多套模板体系和多块混凝土板共同承担荷载作用,不同层混凝土楼层的混凝土养护时间不同,,弹性模量就不同,受力形势极其复杂。本文针对青岛市多个住宅项目做系统的住宅裂缝及裂缝出现的原因相调研,对施工进度对裂缝的影响做出了系统的研究。具体内容如下: 首先,归纳总结了不同楼层进度施工过程中各工序的分布情况,根据工序的分布确定了不同楼层施工进度楼面上载时混凝土养护的时间。根据施工工序的分布情况分析了工序交叉引起的荷载叠加情况,对荷载叠加进行研究。 其次,利用混凝土成熟度理论对混凝土的早期强度做了系统的研究,引用弹性模量的计算公式对混凝土早期的弹性模量做了研究。 再次,利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立施工过程中的多层模板体系模型,进行受力分析,分析的结果与用混凝土成熟度理论计算出的混凝土早期强度作比较,得出合理楼层施工进度的工序合理安排。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with China's economic and social development and improve the level of the real estate market, the rapid development of high-rise residential buildings such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain. Cast-in-place concrete structure is widely used in the structure of industrial and civil construction, however, the cracks in cast-in-place floor has become a regular occurrence of engineering quality problems, and become a hot spot the problem of the project quality complaints in recent years. Real estate developers in order to quickly return the funds, to speed up the construction schedule, construction units in order to reduce the project cost, speed up the pace of construction. The construction period of a residential building, in order to complete the project progress, the inevitable emergence of the construction process of the phenomenon of cross cross process caused by superimposed construction load. The curing time the concrete slab is very short, the floor began to upload, early strength of concrete is low, the ability to bear the load, prone to load the crack. The existing structure The research on design standard of crack is limited to 28 days of curing concrete, no crack load on the construction process. In the process of construction, multiple sets of template system and the concrete blocks to bear load, concrete curing time of different layer of concrete floor, the elastic modulus is different, the stress situation is extremely complex in this paper. A number of residential projects in Qingdao city do cause crack and crack system of research, made a systematic study on the influence of construction schedule on the crack. The specific contents are as follows:
First, summarized the distribution of each process on different floors of progress in the process of construction, according to the process of distribution determines the concrete curing different floors of the construction schedule. According to the distribution of the floor on the construction process of load superposition process caused by the cross, to study the load superposition.
Secondly, the early strength of concrete is systematically studied by using the theory of concrete maturity, and the elastic modulus of concrete is studied by using the formula of elastic modulus.
Thirdly, using ABAQUS finite element software to establish multi-storey formwork system model in construction process, carry out stress analysis, compare the results with those calculated by concrete maturity theory, and draw reasonable arrangement for reasonable floor construction progress.



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2 赵挺生,方东平,顾祥林,张誉;施工期现浇钢筋混凝土结构的受力特性[J];工程力学;2004年02期

3 陈肇元;崔京浩;朱金铨;安明U




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