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发布时间:2018-03-04 17:16

  本文选题:农村房屋所有权 切入点:抵押权 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The development of socialist market economy has led to the rapid appreciation of urban real estate, the continuous construction of new socialist countryside, the continuous development of urbanization, the gradual disintegration of the urban-rural dual structure, and the mass influx of rural population into the city. The boundary between the countryside and the city is gradually blurred, and the problems of the circulation of building houses on the rural land emerge endlessly. First, the rural areas go to cities to work, some even buy houses in the cities, and then the houses in the countryside are left idle. Secondly, with the development of the economy, obtaining bank loans by housing mortgage becomes a new way of financing. However, because of the particularity of rural housing, it is impossible to mortgage the houses with ownership in rural areas. The fact that farmers and urban residents are treated differently at the same time creates a de facto injustice. Various problems have sprung up in the course of rural housing circulation. The laws and regulations on rural housing in our country are few and messy, although in recent years many policy documents, administrative regulations and government regulations have been issued. And carried out pilot projects in full swing, rural housing circulation difficulties have improved, but overall systemic poor, low effectiveness. Compared with the city's perfect housing mortgage system, The construction of rural housing mortgage system has a long way to go. In order to better adapt to the development of economy and the deepening of rural reform, It is imperative to build a rural housing mortgage system. How to build a unified and standardized rural housing mortgage system in China? This article regards this as the general direction, first, carries on the outline to the countryside housing mortgage: the rural housing property right system historical evolution, the countryside housing mortgage reform tendency and the superiority which constructs the countryside housing mortgage system. Analyzing the main body of the relationship between mortgagee and mortgagee in rural areas: the basic conditions of mortgagor and mortgagor, whether the mortgage can be set up for others by one's own house, etc., the financial institution as mortgagee is not to blame, but the natural person, however, is a natural person. Can legal persons and other organizations become mortgagees? Secondly, it discusses the concrete operation flow of the establishment of the mortgage right of rural housing: the definition of the scope of the mortgage and the evaluation of the value, the conditions of the establishment of the mortgage, the consent of the collective economic organization, the limitation of the purpose of the mortgage; The registration of mortgage includes the registration basis and procedure, the determination of registration institution and the establishment of a unified trading platform. Thirdly, the realization of mortgage right in rural housing, including the way to realize the right, the qualification of the transferee, is expounded. Finally, the risk compensation and insurance mechanism should be established to perfect the rural social security system, so as to adapt to the reform trend and promote economic development.


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